Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-22-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-22-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions12-22-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: Sudani has statement to us citizens to be on watch for change in the dinar pricing for goods in our market. FRANK: Realize that Sudani is telling you there is a change coming to the exchange rate of your sovereign national currency…He told you to look for it. That is simply amazing. It is part of the monetary reform education that is so loud even the man on the moon can hear it. FIREFLY: Sudani didn’t say the amount of the change that will occur, whether it was small or large. He just told us to watch in our markets for the dinar to increase and the plan they had to devour the parallel markets is all but complete. FRANK: [Happy fist pump yes!] How much time is there left!?

12-22-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru RVAlready …if Iraq wants to pay out the 2023 budget between now and Jan 1, they need to RV their currency.

12-22-2023 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] The best rates are available only at bonafide redemption centers in the United States for United States citizens. Highest rates are on redemption center screens NOT on the bank screens…I think we’re ready for the most part.

12-22-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat … We can clearly see that Iraq is moving to the normalization of how to do business with other countries and moving out of the sanctioned way of doing business with the world. They are already doing INTERNATIONAL. It is happening right now…Folks, I can not emphasize enough just how good all this news is today. WOW, WOW WOW!

12-21-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “Launch of the third annual scientific conference on economic challenges and reform in Iraq” This part is very interesting to me. Quote: “Restructuring the general budget” Why would they have to restructure the general budget unless there’s about to be some changes made. I don’t want to get all crazy and make assumptions that it has something to do with the change in the exchange rate but I find this very interesting. Like I said, if they’re going to ever change the exchange rate they usually do it at the end of the year or the beginning of the year so everybody could do what? Restructure their budgets for the year…I do find this interesting…my ears are perking…what do you got going on over there Iraq?

12-21-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 [Bank Story] BANK STORY WOMAN: I just spoke to a representative of the company for whom I purchased my currency. I asked, when the reinstatement occurs what happens from your end? She said when the revaluation occurs…we will be notified by the United States Treasury. We will then notify all of our customers. FRANK: I find that interesting, so this bank is saying they have the addresses and phone numbers of the people they sold dinars to. Like I told you, they’re going to come after you. They want you badly. BANK STORY WOMAN: I was struck by the fact that she spoke of the RI as a matter of fact which will occur. She did not deny it. FRANK: Like I’ve been saying to you sister, it’s not a secret.

12-21-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Comment: Iraq may be spending 80% of their 2023 budget to flood its citizens with dinar right before the RV. MarkZ: That makes a lot of sense. There was a lot of backlash in Kuwait because they did not do something similar. A lot of Kuwait people were caught without having Kuwait dinar because they were using US dollars.

12-21-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man People need to know what they own. I feel what we’re presenting to everybody is the ability to have a better understanding and know what you own…It’s going to be really important because you’re going to know the consequences…This is a complex event. It’s going to be a complex event. They’ve proven it to us that there’s so much more than just flipping the switch. You can’t just think basic. You got to remember …it’s not their job to tell you everything…Understand what you own. The Iraqi dinar should not be taken lightly.

12-21-2023 Newshound Guru Jeff The elections are the lynch-pin to the rate change. That’s what we’ve waited on this entire year to even get to the point of being eligible to change the rate…Remember, it was the central bank’s absolute minimum requirement to have and hold these elections. Or really to remove corruption. The most effective fastest way to remove corruption is through elections and that’s what you’re witnessing…

12-21-2023 Newshound Guru Kaperoni A country’s exchange rate is the result of the success and growth of their own economy. When you have a weak economy, you have a weak exchange rate. Until Iraq passes laws, diversifies their economy and increases their GDP, nothing will happen with the dinar. When Iraq passed their tripartite 3 year budget a few months back, it created the conditions for them to diversify and privatize their economy over the next three years. Now Iraq is on the clock to accomplish such.

12-21-2023 Guru Nader From The Mid East Everybody’s asking me what’s going on. What’s the news. The news, you will see it on the 1st of January – what exactly is going on. They already gave you a date. I told you the 1st of January we’ll be out of the dollar. We will not work with the dollar anymore in Iraq.

12-21-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Article: “Iraq pushes to shift away from dollar dependency” they are going to need a currency- one that works internationally and carries a value…. They are telling us…we are just frustrated it’s taken so long. We know their de-dollarization goal is Jan 1st.

12-21-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy What the IMF is saying is really good. But, no, the exchange rate isn’t going change tomorrow. It’s just another step in the right direction for Iraq…

12-21-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: TV special saying we are seeking monetary sovereignty over the dollar. FRANK: When they say the word monetary, they are talking about your currency. And when they say sovereignty they’re talking about you only using your currency the Iraqi dinar and not suing any other currency like the American dollar. That’s why the dollar is going down in value. That’s how your dinar is gaining value. Sudani said it clearly, I am adding value to our currency. They want the American dollar to go down. They want your currency to dominate…

12-21-2023 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] They want this blessing to go…to come to us before Christmas this year…2023 Christmas. That’s the goal. That’s the plan…I believe we still will get this done this week… everything is set to go. Redemption centers are fully trained and ready…lets look forward to the next couple of days