Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-17-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-17-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions12-17-2023 Guest Guru PompeyPeter The head of the armed forces coming out and saying the whole of the armed forces from Wednesday to Wednesday starting the day before yesterday through Wednesday of next week are on the highest level of alert in the whole of the armed forces. Level C…It’s like a bloody call for a war, reservists and so on. It’s saying it’s because of the election on the Monday the 18th…That makes no sense. Most countries like here in the UK and the US we don’t have a day off for an election. Last time they had council elections they only had 40% turn out. Pretty apathetic. It’s Iraq, they give them a day off. Now Sudani says they have two days off, Monday and Tuesday. Now we hear the whole bloody army’s been called up on massive stay of alert.

12-17-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] They have been very upfront over the last couple of days that we are very close to the finish line for the Iraqi people. This is about all they can say without giving away to much. It is very exciting what we are hearing in Iraq. …The leaders are telling the people that they are about to have an imminent change coming to their valuations and to pay attention when they shop…Most people believe they are setting us up for the next few days. I believe they may be accurate…It is coming from many different angles and directions.

12-17-2023 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] The Redemption center rates on their screens will be the best rates available they will be the best rates if you try to just say well, I’m just gonna go to this small mom and pop bank – You’re not gonna get the big rates. You’re not gonna get the rates that President Trump wants us to have…there’s a vast difference between the redemption center screen rates and that of the banks. Even the tier one banks are not a match up.

12-16-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy Definitely looks like reform is well on its way with the banking system. Let’s hope this continues. It looks like there’s a lot of agreements that the US will hold their word and make sure that Iraq gets the money that they need for 2024…They definitely need to get Article 140 out of the way. That’s a big hesitation between Kurdistan and Iraq. That’s also a big part of their tension between the two. Iraq is looking good. Still moving forward. That’s what we want to see especially since the stuff they’re working on is going to help them do business internationally.

12-16-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man We had some problems with the embassy recently…They put the army out from the 12th, a couple days back, through the 20th. So you kind of go, wow. They’re really focusing in on the 20th. Again, they are telling us a story. Whether that is an indicator or not it’s going to be determined. Don’t think that we’re telling you it’s going down on the 20th because that’s not what we said and that’s not what I’m telling you. But it’s fascinating stuff…

12-16-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick As the days go by and we walk toward the 1st of this year IMO so far the monetary reform is keeping its word on their intent of adding value and introducing a new monetary system called the lower denominations.

12-16-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 [California Golden Valley Bank Story] Bank Story Lady: (family friend) had an appointment yesterday. Whenever the banker found out how many dinar that we are holding in our group which is about half a billion he said that was too much, they weren’t going to be able to handle that much…Then this morning he got a call from his bank Golden Valley and they said look we had a meeting about you and your group last night. FRANK: They had a meeting about his issue with the dinar? BANK STORY LADY: Yes, because it was so much. They invited him back…we’re waiting for that update.

12-16-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 [California Golden Valley Bank Story Continued] FRANK: The updates came…Turns out this bank has told this group of people…we can’t handle that much volume at our banks, therefore we are sending you to an exchange center and they will give you 4.5% to put it in the bank. They said Morgan Stanley are the people we are going to introduce you to for a management company to help you when you come in towards the end of the year.

12-16-2023 Newshound Guru Breitling Question: “When it does revalue, when do we get out? How long do we wait?” That depends on your own needs. Are you trying to get a house? Are you trying to pay off a loan? What is it because once you hit that number get out. Or if it doesn’t go up to that number – Let’s say you’re trying to make…$250,000 and you realize the investment is only going to get you about $180,000, then get out! Diversify. Get into something else. Don’t just stick around.

12-16-2023 Newshound Guru Breitling The only way you can answer those questions is you have to put a piece of paper down and realistically what is it that you want. You have to be realistic about it. You can’t say the first thing is I’m going to start off with a $50 million dollar mansion. Don’t be stupid…Let’s be a little more practical. A home over your head, debt free, for you and your family…then you can go for the big stuff. Your investments are based on that…what it is you want.

12-16-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] From Iraq: “Statement of the Iraq Economic Contact Group of the G &, European Union and World Bank” They had some phenomenal meetings over the week about the tremendous progress that they have made in Iraq. This is coming from our own US embassy and consulate in Iraq. They talk about the budget and how it is “life changing” to Iraqis…. Even more important is what is going on in the streets of Iraq in the last day. Sudani is explaining to the citizens that they need to pay attention to “valuations”. Especially in shopping and in stores. This is because they are strengthening the dinar.

12-16-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy Question: “Does this electric payment system have anything to do with the Iraqi dinar exchange rate?” Installing it is not going to make the exchange rate change but, what it does do is it will influence the exchange rate. There’s a huge difference…How it does that is…if people all have an ATM card…then there’s an increase in transactions…that will help influence the exchange rate. But just installing the payment system has nothing to do with the exchange rate…the exchange rate is not going to change because they put it in.

12-16-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man Romanowski [US Ambassador to Iraq] had her G7 meeting…She’s taken photo op with the G7 supporting the reforms of Iraq. That’s powerful stuff. Article quote: “…during the coming year the Iraq economic contact group will further cooperation to support the development of the economic and financial sector in Iraq including prime minister Al-Sudani’s policies to enhance the value of the dinar…This is a clear announcement of the new policies regarding the dinar during the transitional period…” That’s a drop the mic you guys. Phenomenal…In other words if you’re going to enhance the value of the dinar something is going to change.

12-16-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “A STATEMENT ISSUED BY THE IRAQ ECONOMIC CONTACT GROUP OF THE GROUP OF SEVEN COUNTRIES, THE EUROPEAN UNION, AND THE WORLD BANK” Quote: “During the coming year, the Iraq Economic Contact Group welcomes further cooperation to support the development of the economic and financial sector in Iraq, including Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani’s policies to enhance the value of the dinar and oversee monetary policy. A clear announcement of the new policies regarding the dinar during the transitional period…” WHEN IS THE TRANSITIONAL PERIOD?… STARTS DEC. 20TH FOR 5 DAYS.

12-16-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I am hearing more and more contacts from different nations saying that they now have the “GO”. We don’t know the timing but it’s my understanding that they have been releasing the countries one by one. They all should go at one time but they are getting their permissions and marching orders now. I am hearing from different governmental sources that it is all released and the amounts have been agreed to and shared with the participating countries. Now, we are waiting for someone to say “GO” and we do not know what the timing is. I think the banks may know but they are not telling me.