Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-23-2023
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-23-2023
11-23-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat So, how long will us investors in the IQD have to wait before Iraq is allowed to liberate it’s own currency? Why do I say “now is the time”? We know they are completely out of Chapter VII sanctions since December 2022, and so why not treat them as such? We know they want the Iraq funds (nearly USD 115+ billion) released from the NY banks and put in their custody to do what they want with it… We know they have plans for yet more Sovereign Funds to invest their reserves. We know they are making agreements now for “currency swaps” and will no longer be using any US dollars in Iraq as of January 1st 2024.
11-23-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat We know since January they have undertaken a massive “de-dollarization” program and told it should have taken 6 years but they decided to do it in 1 year (2023). Why such a hurry? We know the value of the IQD right now without any further economic development does exceed even pre-1991 era ($3.22) but still at 1/6 of a penny? We know Iraq now pumps 2/3 more oil than in pre-1991 era. We know Iraq also has announced 132+ tons of GOLD reserves. We know they are pushing this year alone, more than any other year since 2005, for the passing of Oil and Gas law. Why?
11-23-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat We know for a FACT that it is the U.S. through the Treasury Dept. direction that will NOT give sign-off to allow the reinstatement. Why? Finally, we know, the CBI has told us that January is the most opportune time to reinstate for accounting purposes, since it begins their new FISCAL year. Just be patient, the reinstatement is coming and I firmly believe with what we now are 99% sure it is going to be a January 2024 event. WOW! Finally!!!
11-22-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 I know it looks like parliament is trying to delay the monetary reform. They keep breaking the crayons for Sudani and Alaq…
11-22-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I have heard some very encouraging things about the next 4 days…Banks are excited…and banking personnel believe we are very close. In a nutshell it points to the next 4-5 days for our announcements.
11-22-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy This is what I think is funny about these so-called professionals. They start off by telling you the Iraqi dinar is never going revalue and then they turn around and tell you well, there is some possibilities. Either it is or it isn’t. Why don’t you just be honest about the Iraqi dinar? The dinar is not a scam. It’s a legitimate currency. Can it increase in value? Of course it could.
11-22-2023 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] Think everything is in full prep mode ready to roll. Now what could happen – we don’t know…do not know if tomorrow is in play – Thanksgiving night might be in play for notifications. Start of everything could be Friday…you know, we just don’t know…I think it is possible they will let us have our numbers and we set our appointments for Friday…
11-22-2023 Guru Nader From The Mid East Yes, it’s going to revalue. When? I don’t know. But it’s going to revalue. They have to revalue. If you look at the history and you look at the wealth Iraq has…It’s real. What’s going on is real…The revolution of the dinar is there. The reinstatement is there. They’re going to have to reinstate…The…dinar was down because of the war and the sanctions…Iraq got heavily sanctions. But now the country is going back to normal.
11-22-2023 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “The dollar in Iraq.. Baghdad is planning “permanent solutions” with Washington, and Parliament describes the dialogues as “successful” Quote: “Monday (November 20, 2023), an informed source reported an expected meeting between the Central Bank of Iraq and the US Treasury Department next week.”
11-22-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] In Iraq they are talking about how de-dollarization is working…and now that they have opened banks using other currencies …it has greatly reduced their reliance on the US dollar. And they are seeing the dinar rate gain against the US dollar. I was told that as soon as the parallel/black market rate reaches the official rate…then the big value change. They need to stabilize the rates before they can change them.
11-22-2023 Newshound Guru Samson Article: “The dollar in Iraq… Baghdad is planning “permanent solutions” with Washington, and Parliament describes the dialogues as “successful”
11-22-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man The Finance Minister is working with the United States, the UK ambassador and what are they talking about? …The steps for ascension to the global financial system. What comes to mind when talking about ‘ascension’? WTO has ascension. What else?
11-22-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: Iraq’s security teams arrested the most dangerous foreign currency smuggler inside of Iraq. They’re saying this is the head of the snake. They tell us that by removing this man our reforms will continue and move forward as has been promised to us Iraqi citizens. FRANK: These events…are extremely powerful events to allow the new exchange rate to come out.
11-22-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy Month, month and a half there’s been quite a bit of positive news coming out of Iraq. Let’s hope they stay out of trouble and continue working on doing what it takes to regain their sovereignty. They’re taking all the right steps to do what it takes to appreciate the Iraqi dinar which all of us are happy about. You still got people out there…swearing up and down that means there’s going to be a reinstatement of the $3.22 rate. I’m going to continue to tell you no it isn’t. I still believe the Iraqi dinar is going to go up in increments. It’s not going to jump up to $3.22 right off the get-go. It’ll get there fairly quick but it’s not going to happen overnight. As long as they stay in the good graces of the Untied States everything should be fine…
11-22-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Comment: Researching bank websites in my little town – “Wealth Management” is a service found on all – not used to seeing that. Another service is “Foreign Currency Exchange”. MarkZ: Banks are preparing for the shift.