Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-14-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-14-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions11-14-2023 Intel Guru yada Review from the articles… The PM announced the banks are now able to exchange foreign in country last week. The digital connections have been activated to collect the tariffs and taxes from all border crossings Monday last week. Their stock mark showed a 3000 point drop in dinars this past Sunday. To me, the dollar to dinar value is adjusting to the actual reissued value of the dinar. 10 days or so, 12 countries did currency swaps with Iraq. Contracts that were previously agreed upon are being signed from countries coming into Iraq to do business. TOTAL being one of the largest and along with the infrastructure contracts. All this requiring a new REISSUED rate. IMO, they’ve gone a far as they can go without not changing the rate…

11-14-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] “Iraq plans “to neglect the US dollar” and parliament proposes to diversify foreign currency baskets” Iraq will hold foreign currencies so they can do business in and around the middle east without the US. This story is bigger than it appears. It is all about de-dollarization. We know Iraq plans to be de-dollarized by January 1st. So for Iraq to be de-dollarized by January 1st…then their oil profits, etc will no longer be going through the US system that it is going through now…AND, they will need a fully functional, international currency. We have a really good indicator of when this rv has to happen by. It makes logical sense for it to be sooner. This article is fantastic.

11-13-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man Iraq’s going to have a Real Effective Exchange Rate not just a Nominal Effective Exchange Rate and the WTO is going to know about it, so is the UN, so is the United States Treasury, the Bank of International Settlements. Everybody is going to be paying attention to the amount of money that’s going to come out of this country…

11-13-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy There’s many factors that help increase the value of the currency but this one move of them start to import foreign exchange, this is a biggie. This opens the doors for everything else…

11-13-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Question: So, are we making appointments tomorrow? MarkZ: That continues to be a rumor from some banking sources…we shall see…but, they would have to kick it into massive overdrive for that to happen.

11-13-2023 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “An Iraqi-American agreement to enhance Iraqi bank balances in dollars, yuan, and Indian rupees” Quote: “In light of the recent meetings of the Central Bank with the American side, the number of banks that can directly strengthen their balance in US dollars has become ten banks, five through Citi Bank, and five other banks other than the first. Through JP Morgan Bank.”

11-13-2023 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram Iraq has the same mattress banking issue as Zimbabwe. Iraq has introduced the POS (Point of Sale) digital currency and is literally taking cash off the table. In addition Iraq will eliminate the US dollar from all public transactions beginning January 1 2024. Iraq is gaining control over its currency. What we as investors must figure out is how can we participate in this money transfer to digital without actually traveling to the Middle East which is nowhere near safe…

11-13-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man Salaries, oil and gas, what do they need? Salaries need an exchange rate. Oil and gas need an exchange rate. 2023, 24, 25 budget need an exchange rate. All the contracts for housing need an adjustment to the exchange rate to be able to finish those things…It’s fairly cut and dry…what are they looking for? They’re looking for the exchange rate…It hasn’t all happened yet. Why? Because it’s obvious now. We’re waiting them four in on that pinpoint. What is it? There’s only one item I think is left to do…

11-13-2023 Newshound Guru Samson Article: “CBI, Federal Reserve sign deals to ease forex transfers from Iraq after intensive meetings in UAE: official source”

11-13-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 Right now the monetary reform plan is telling you we’re going to be part of the WTO. Now, we don’t have to have a rise in our currency but we have to have restriction free currency so that our currency can be internationally accepted. Therefore our currency can now float internationally in an international basket…

11-13-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I don’t expect us to wait much longer. The chatter is huge… Some still thinks we will start tomorrow to set appointments …we shall see. Nobody knows the exact timing.

11-13-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man Article quote: “The CBI, the federal Reserve signed deals to ease Forex transfers from Iraq after intensive meetings in the UAE…” …Key in on this one key word – Ease…They say the process is poised to kick off in the coming days. They’re in process of working to doing trade in globally acceptable international currencies … Phenomenal stuff.

11-13-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy The news continues to get better and better. Article: “JP Morgan strengthens 5 Iraqi Banks” Another article with really good news…It’s exciting to hear this news. I’m not going to get overly hyped. I’m going to stay grounded but it is looking very very good.

11-13-2023 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “A government source reveals the outcomes of the meeting between the Central Bank and the American side” Quote: “It was agreed to enhance the advance balance of five Iraqi banks in their accounts in dollars with Jordanian banks and transfers via (JP Morgan), noting that the problems related to the rejected transfers were resolved…”

11-13-2023 Intel Guru yada …we are witnessing the process playing out before us. It means the checks and balance were put in place by the stopping of the launding the dollar causing the decline of the use of the dollar in country. The seed was placed in the ground with all the regulations and the growth started and now, it is braking the surface such we will benefit from it…Articles have revealed it will not be in vain and the change over is taking place…NOW!

11-13-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] In Vietnam: “Lego’s 1Bn factory in southern Vietnam is 26 percent complete” Why is this important? It’s important because international business is looking at Vietnam as secure and stable…. They are employing up to 4 thousand. IMO this is a great one.

11-13-2023 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] If anybody thinks that there are no 800 numbers or actually it’s probably an 800 number…They really don’t know anything – if they don’t know this… our contacts are at the redemption centers…we know what’s going on. We know, for example, that there was a very, very good dinar rate on the bank screens…and it’ll migrate to the front screen of the banks… but realize this, our redemption center rates will be higher than the regular bank screens…Bank screens are tied to the Forex…redemption centers are not. They have their own rates and will have the very best and highest rates for us.