Parliamentary warnings against printing a new monetary mass after the deterioration of the dinar

Parliamentary warnings against printing a new monetary mass after the deterioration of the dinar


Parliamentary warnings against printing a new monetary mass after the deterioration of the dinarInformation/Baghdad..
Independent MP Nazem Al-Shibli warned on Tuesday of the dangers of printing a new monetary mass, stressing that the rise in the price of the dollar harmed a segment of poor citizens in their livelihood and daily needs.

Al-Shibli said in an interview with the Maalouma Agency, “This step may lead to the erosion of the value of the Iraqi dinar, especially in light of the governor’s failure to manage monetary policy.”

He added, “Central Bank Governor Ali Al-Alaq failed to manage the crisis and is unable to stabilize the value of the Iraqi dinar,” pointing out that “printing a new monetary mass will lead to adverse damage.”

He pointed out that “the Central Bank floundered in the rise of the dollar, which directly affected the simple Iraqi citizen in his daily livelihood and livelihood.”