The government issues new instructions regarding the dollar exchange rate mechanism

The government issues new instructions regarding the dollar exchange rate mechanism


The government issues new instructions regarding the dollar exchange rate mechanismInformation / Baghdad..
On Tuesday, the Council of Ministers held its forty-fifth regular session headed by Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, while taking a set of decisions regarding the dollar price mechanism and maximizing the state’s imports.

The Office of the President of the Council stated in a statement received by “Al-Ma’louma” that, “In the course of government action to regulate financial transactions based on the dollar, the Council agreed to amend Paragraph (3) of Cabinet Resolution (23545 of 2023) regarding the dollar exchange rate mechanism, to become according to The following: With regard to Iraqi borrowers from government banks (including the Iraqi Trade Bank) in the US dollar currency, these banks are committed to repaying their loans at the official exchange rate (1,320 dinars) for every US dollar from the borrower, provided that the Central Bank of Iraq strengthens the banks’ accounts in dollars for transfer purposes. The external exchange rate, and at the official exchange rate, according to its need, and this procedure applies exclusively to loans that were disbursed before the issuance of this decision.

As part of the government’s efforts to combat corruption and recover stolen funds, the Council of Ministers agreed to “issue instructions to facilitate the implementation of the provisions of the Iraq Money Recovery Fund Law No. (9) of 2012, based on the provisions of the Constitution and Article (9) of the aforementioned law, taking into consideration the proposals.” set forth in the draft project submitted by the Iraq Assets Recovery Fund, and the notes of the Legal Department in the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers.”

In the direction of working to maximize the state’s imports, the Ministry of Commerce was approved to sell (49,624,767) kg, or forty-nine thousand six hundred and twenty-four tons, and seven hundred and sixty-seven kg, of damaged wheat that is not suitable for animal consumption, and to export it outside the country for final disposal, provided that Its release shall be under the supervision and follow-up of the National Security Service, provided that the sale is made at public auction for export purposes, and that the price is determined by the Estimation Committee formed in accordance with the Law on the Sale and Rent of State Funds, in accordance with the procedures stipulated in Article (8) of this law, and the amount shall be transferred to The Public Treasury, according to Paragraph (3) of Cabinet Resolution (360 of 2022).”

The recommendation of the Ministerial Council for the Economy (230276 Q) was also approved as follows: Approval of what was stated in the letter of the Ministry of Agriculture dated October 5, 2023, regarding the sale of the remaining quantity of premix amounting to (1,113,955) kg, one thousand one hundred and thirteen tons and nine hundred and fifty-five. kg, belonging to the General Company for Agricultural Equipment, without public bidding; Because it is highly perishable, based on the provisions of the Law on the Sale and Rent of State Funds (21 of 2013), provided that the aforementioned ministry bears the financial and legal consequences and the accuracy of the information.”

As well as “the Ministry of Agriculture’s scrutiny of the reasons for purchasing quantities greater than the actual need.”

The Council voted to “address the debts owed by the Ministries of Defense and Interior and the Popular Mobilization Authority, regarding medicines and medical supplies from the Ministry of Health/The General Company for Marketing Medicines and Medical Supplies (Kimadia), through coordination between the Ministry of Health and the relevant authorities, and providing the Ministry of Finance with what supports these debts.” The amount will be secured this year/2023, or next year/2024.”