An informed source: America made an offer to Iran to return to the nuclear agreement signed in 2015 in exchange for not opening the northern front of Palestine.

An informed source: America made an offer to Iran to return to the nuclear agreement signed in 2015 in exchange for not opening the northern front of Palestine.


An informed source - America made an offer to Iran to return to the nuclear agreement signed in 2015 in exchange for not opening the northern front of PalestineHigh-level diplomatic sources reported that the American administration made a tempting offer to the Islamic Republic of Iran, represented by a return to the nuclear agreement signed in 2015 and the lifting of the blockade imposed on commercial banks in exchange for not opening the northern front between Hezbollah and the usurping entity and expanding the area of ​​conflict, because America is busy in the most important and dangerous front. Namely, Russia is in Ukraine and does not want another headache.

The sources added that the Islamic Republic of Iran, through the highest levels represented by His Eminence the Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has strongly rejected it. The sources indicated that the Islamic Republic of Iran cannot abandon the sacred Palestinian issue, whatever the circumstances, because it is a fateful issue.