Is Iraq a sovereign state?

Is Iraq a sovereign state?


Is Iraq a sovereign stateSami Jawad Kazem
As soon as we ask this question, the current situation in Iraq comes to the mind of Iraqis after the fall of the tyrant and the elected governments that did not succeed in running the country. Sovereignty is that no external party dares to attack Iraq within its recognized borders, that no external party dares to influence the Iraqi decision, respect for the decision. Iraqi sovereignty, whether in internal or external affairs, is sovereignty over land, air, and sea. Yes, and unfortunately, all of them are not available in Iraq. Turkey and Iran bomb the Iraqi north whenever they want. Kuwait. This country, which is not a good neighbor, is now manipulating the sea and land borders. The Iraqi north is being let loose and the Mossad is having fun with it. Zionist, as flights land and take off from its airports without the knowledge of the government. Jordan embraces terrorists and those who do not believe in Iraq now, and Iraq pumps oil to them almost free of charge along with trade agreements, despite the government’s will, a government that cannot expel the American ambassador on the one hand and expel them from the Republican Palace, which is a symbol of sovereignty. On the other hand, without will or sovereignty, a government that cannot expel foreign forces is without sovereignty. Rather, what is worse is that American aircraft land, take off, and load in Iraq without the knowledge of the Iraqi government. Iraq cannot rebuild infrastructure except with America’s approval. Iraq does not have the right to arm its army except with America’s approval. Iraq cannot support Palestine because of America’s lack of approval.

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Iraq cannot cancel dealing in the dollar, which has tampered with the market at the command of the US Federal Bank, while the central bank is unable to maintain its official price. Siemens Electrical Stations Company, Iraq cannot contract with it, and you have the best evidence in Adel Abdul Mahdi. Iraq cannot cleanse ISIS cells on the western border because they are under American protection. What is worse is that there are paragraphs in the Iraqi constitution that were drawn up by dirty Bremer that they cannot delete or change. As for the issue of forming a government and electing a prime minister, this can only be done by consensus between the countries that interfere in Iraqi affairs (America, Iran is at the top of the list). If they do not agree, Iraq will remain without a government, and we have lived through this. the condition

But was Iraq at the time of the tyrant sovereign? No and a thousand no, starting with the Safwan tent and signing the articles of humiliation that withdrew Iraqi sovereignty and placed it under the feet of the White House government. Iraqi sovereignty was lost when it prevented the tyrant from interfering in northern Iraq. Iraqi sovereignty was lost when the tyrant ceded hundreds of kilometers to Jordan from the east of Al-Nadayim and Al-Taba’at. On the western border, sovereignty was lost when he granted Saudi Arabia a zone of neutrality, and it was a disgrace to sovereignty when he granted inspection teams to tamper with and search everything in Iraq, even his bedroom. This is what we know about what is revealed and what we see, and what is hidden is greater