Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-28-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-28-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions10-28-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: It sounds like they’re saying January 1st as the a date the stabilization process will be complete. FRANK: Remember I told you…between now and January 1st there’s a two-week phase/time Frame inside of these two months of November and December where these two weeks will play an important part in what we’re studying. So it doesn’t have to go all the way to January the 1st for it to be announced. It can be announced and released inside of this time frame. That’s what Sudani is telling the Iraqi citizens – We got stability.

10-28-2023 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “Al-Shammari: The Sudanese will announce next week a banking service that will lead to a decline in the dollar”

10-28-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Today Iraq is talking about “Electronic Payment Support” We are seeing they are modernizing their banking system to launch in the real world…We are still seeing their ascension into the World Trade Organizations but when are they going to announce it? There is lots of internal documentation off their own websites showing this…But they cannot fully join without an international currency that is not sanctioned or restricted. When will they unveil what has happened? The take away is “It’s confusing on purpose” …I just hope Iraqi contacts are right and it’s going over this weekend.

10-27-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 You should know an “800#” doesn’t exist. That’s stupid – One phone number for every bank in American? In an ironic twist there is one 800# …it’s the U.S. Treasury. When the blessing comes, pick up the phone and call the US Treasury…’Which one of your banks in the United States of America is exchanging the Iraqi dinar?’ …You’ll have a big list of all the banks in the United States of American that are exchanging the Iraqi dinar…

10-27-2023 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Community Comment “It’s interesting when u compare Iraq with Jordan’s economy. Pretty similar stats, I’d say Iraq is better with lower unemployment, higher average income. and over 4 times higher GDP. However the Jordanian Dinar is 1.41 to 1 USD and the Iraqi Dinar is 1/6 th of a penny to 1 USD.” Yes, but Iraq’s money supply is over 90 trillion, Jordan’s is 18 billion. Big difference!

10-27-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …the chatter out of Iraq is the lower denoms have been seen and they are expecting an announcement within days. Now, every time somebody tries to put up a video showing them…they disappear. I think the longest one of those videos stayed up today is about an hour. I’m so sorry I did not record it. But the chatter has gone through the roof in Iraq. Iraq has told us they want full de-dollarization by January 1st. For that to happen they need to move quickly IMO.…like now.

10-27-2023 Newshound Guru Desert Advisor Kuwait is $3.24 and Jordan is $1.41. Their currency is worth more than our [U.S.] currency…We look at Iraq…$0.0007. That don’t even look attractive…The exchange rate was pretty stable until the Gulf War in 1991. The dinar was worth over $3…We can see that with Kuwait right next door. Iraq does have a lot of oil. We’ve known this…

10-27-203 Intel Guru RayRen98 Lower Denoms placed in atm at ports and airports today. Told…that Dinar announcement is …(imminent).

10-27-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “Al-Alaq: Stabilizing the exchange rate is a major process that requires changes to the commercial system and external transfer in Iraq” Wow! For the next person that says to you it’s a scam, first punch them in the nose – no. no. no. :)…take them [this article]. That’s fantastic. This is the monetary reform education and it’s being given to the citizens in massive amounts…

10-27-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy Let’s talk about the high possibly of a reevaluation taking place here real soon with the Iraqi dinar… Article: “The dollar is flying fast and registering 162 thousand dinars in the markets”. 1,620 for every dollar is a huge gap between the fixed rate of 1,320…Iraq is going to have to do something very soon about this situation. They can’t keep allowing this to get out of control. It’s causing inflation…and it’s affecting the economy… The last time we started to see this type of gap between the fixed rate and the black market rate, Iraq was forced to increase the value of dinar…

10-27-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy IMO if this keeps getting out of control I don’t think they’re going to have any choice but to do the same thing again…Keep in mind the Iraqi dinar before they devalued you got 1,190 dinars for every dollar, it dropped down to 1,450 for every dollar then they increased it to where you get 1,300 for every dollar. If they go to make a move again is it possible they finally bring us back to where we started from at 1,190 or every dollar. It almost looks unavoidable at this moment.

10-27-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I hope my Iraqi sources are right and it’s this weekend…They did expect everything to be wrapped up by Nov 1st. That is exactly what they were being told…and that is what they told me. …Remember no one knows the exact timing…we are all guessing at it based on the information we receive.

10-27-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man If you’ve been paying attention closely, it isn’t just the oil and gas law anymore. It’s the oil, gas and natural resources law. They’re going to add more to it so the citizens are going to benefit from this…that’s all the politicians too. Everybody in the country is going to benefit from it…

10-27-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: Sudani is talking and he tells the Iraqi citizens we are in a stabilized mode. FRANK: Do you understand? They’re not at first base…second base…third base. They’re at home base…they touched all the bases and they scored. FIREFLY: He says we will be complete by January 1st 2024. He’s saying we have to stabilize the exchange rate.