Turkish Minister of Energy: This week, we will start operating the oil pipeline between Iraq and Turkey

Turkish Minister of Energy: This week, we will start operating the oil pipeline between Iraq and Turkey

2023-10-01 23:55

Turkish Minister of Energy - This week we will start operating the oil pipeline between Iraq and TurkeyShafaq News Turkish Energy Minister Alp Arslan Bayraktar announced on Monday that his country intends to resume operation of the oil transport pipeline from Iraq to Turkey this week, according to what was reported by “Sky News Urgent”.

Bayrakdar said, “The pipeline to transport oil from Iraq is ready from today.”

A few days ago, Bayrakdar said that the oil export pipeline from northern Iraq via Turkey would be ready to resume operations soon after conducting checks to maintain the line and repair the damage caused by the floods.

Bayraktar stated that the inspection of the oil pipeline has been completed and it will be “technically” ready for operation soon.

Turkey stopped flows through the pipeline located in northern Iraq on March 25, after a ruling in an arbitration case issued by the International Chamber of Commerce ordered Ankara to pay compensation to Baghdad for unauthorized exports by the Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government between 2014 and 2018.

The Iraqi and Turkish oil ministers did not reach any agreement on resuming oil exports from the Kurdistan Region, during the Iraqi minister’s visit to Ankara on Tuesday, 8/22/2023.

Reuters quoted informed sources as saying, “The Iraqi and Turkish oil ministers did not reach an agreement to resume oil exports from the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.”

She explained that “the two ministers agreed to hold further discussions in the future.”
