Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-18-2023
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 8-18-2023
8-18-2023 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram Article: “Member of parliamentary finance accuses Iran of printing Iraqi dinar sand replacing them with dollars” A parliament member is saying…Iran is reproducing Iraqi dinars in Argentina and then trading the dinar for U.S. dollars in Iraq before smuggling the money into Iran on a truck…Bottom line more banks in Iraq will be closed. Iraq’s currency has been compromised even more.
8-18-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 What is the reason why we do not have the new exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar, the lower denoms, why? …criminals…the corrupt…thieves…Iran…This is the perfect timing to remove Iran influence. Did you not see the money exchanges that are owned by the Iranian politicians closing up? Do you not see the banks that are owned by the Iranian politicians being closed up? Do you not see Iranian politicians being arrested? In fact do you not also see Iraqi politicians being arrested?
8-18-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …the CBI is still on track with the 2011 plan and is moving ahead with it. By reserving gold, they are moving to meet the Basel 3 rules… an interview with Ali Alaq he told us the future vision of the Iraqi dinar…It is backing the dinar with GOLD! WOW!!! no longer just the dollar. Yes, we can definitely see the trend already to get the dollar out of Iraq. It is a process… Alaq says that today they back the dinar with the billions of reserves, which is the dollar. Then he talks about the future where it will be backed by GOLD not the Dollar. He says Iraq has 132 tons of gold…about $8,008,704,000 billion worth of GOLD…
8-17-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Comment: Many still think Iraq will float. MarkZ: My sources still believe straight to contract rates for us…
8-17-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: The CBI governor Alaq is on TV right now Channel One saying the trade with banned countries around us make the rise of the dollar. He didn’t say the name of the counties but we are wise. We know he’s talking about Iran… Turkey and Syria…Iran alone imports $10 billion of good for our markets. This makes the parallel market high on the dollar. Alaq is saying this is a struggle…he needs the United States of America to set up a way to trade with the banned countries to strengthen our dinar.
8-17-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man Their job [parliament, GOI, CBI] is not to tell you, ‘We’re going to change the exchange rate from X to X tomorrow.’ They’re not going to do that.
8-17-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] ”Iraq possesses 132 tons of gold reserves” They are continuing to stock up. I believe they are way closer than they are telling us.
8-17-2023 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “We will not print dinars except under conditions.” Quote: “Al-Alaq ruled out the central bank’s resort to printing the dinar to secure the budget’s need, unless we get an equivalent foreign currency.”
8-17-2023 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram $2,500,000,000 stolen. 160 cheques were used to withdraw $2.5 billion from Rafidain Bank in Iraq. It has only recovered $125 million. Interpol was called in because all 4 defendants live outside Iraq and hold US or British citizenship.
8-17-2023 Newshound Guru Samson Article “Expert: Trade with banned countries is behind the rise in the dollar.. Al-Alaq: The exchange rate cannot be reduced”
8-17-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick There is no delay. The process of the monetary reform right now is to clean the CBI…the government of Iraq of corruption and it is being done at a very fast pace…
8-17-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: They are showing us on television how they are arresting the corrupt in…high up positions. We are seeing the former Oil Minister and several others that are being arrested and they still have warrants out for the former prime minister… FRANK: There’s a lot of cleanup going on in your country and you see it…
8-17-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man What are we looking for? For them to spend the money [from the budget]. If they haven’t spent the money they don’t have it yet.
8-17-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I believe it will stay quiet until we cross the finish line…But, I have been assured Iraq plans to finish in the month of August. And bankers are still looking at around the 20th…I hope that is accurate. And yes…I am an optimist.
8-17-2023 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “Expert: The visit of the security delegation to Washington paves the way for the visit of Al-Sudani..and warns”
8-17-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: Sudani being cleared to make trip to America FRANK: IMO the Prime Minister of Iraq Sudani is being cleared to make a trip to the United States of America… When was the last time that happened? (When Maliki was shunned by President Obama and sent back to Iraq.)
8-17-2023 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …we’re sort of that day by day situation where we’ve been told – we’re minutes away – this is getting ready to go… things are really happening…I think the next two to three days we’re going to be really significant if we go this week… Iraq is still saying they’re going to put out a new rate and open their budget and pull it out in their gazette…they might wait until Saturday or it could be printed in a special edition…of the Gazette…and…the so called HCL the hydrocarbon law the oil and gas law… which has been passed a long time ago – would be implemented with the new rate… We’ll see what happens.