Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-2-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-2-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions7-2-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat article from Dec 15, 2021: “MUDHHER SALIH, OUTLINED THE IMPORTANCE OF THE WHITE PAPER
AND ITS REFLECTION ON THE ECONOMIC REALITY” I will remind you once again it’s the White Paper that is going to get us to the reinstatement … I also point out the clause that says they intend to move back to FOREX or a FOREX like global trading platform for the currency. Folks if you have been following the news since January you can clearly see the parallels from what is happening on the ground to this plan…it is moving ahead.

7-2-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy Question: “Is Iraq and the CBI collecting 3-zero notes?” No they’re not collecting them right now. If they were there’d be a redenomination…trust me we don’t want to go that route if we can avoid it. I prefer the exchange rate happen in increments and they slowly remove the higher denomination. This way we benefit from a higher exchange rate.

7-2-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man Member Question: Does a contract rate make sense when it is time to exchange …or do you think its just going to be an international rate? Militia Man: I have heard lots of different things on that…personally I think we are going to see one exchange rate that’s going to be managed by the CBI and central banks in the region…

7-1-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 Between me and you when has the government ever done you a favor? When have they said, ‘Oh, keep it all. Knock yourself out.’ Never. So don’t lie to yourself. Prepare yourself. You know there’s a car coming at you at 100 MPH step on the brakes now not when it hits you. [NOTE: At the appropriate time speak with your tax advisors to be sure you pay the correct taxes for your unique circumstances.]

7-1-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy People keep saying Iraq can’t do this total rebuilding without changing the exchange rate. I was thinking the same thing too. And it was with good reason. They could really benefit from that but the more research you do into a currency exchange rate and the things that are necessary that support it the more you realize Iraq is severely lacking in almost everything. The only thing they have is oil behind it. I know there’s people out there telling you oil should be good enough. No it’s not.

7-1-2023 Guru Nader From The Mid East I heard one of the major banks in the United States is gonna go there [ Iraq ]. I’m not gonna say the name because I’m not sure yet. When I’m sure I’ll let you know. I heard one of the major bank in the United States it’s gonna be in Iraq …they’re gonna open banks in Iraq .

7-1-2023 Newshound Guru Paulette The issue is freedom of movement of capital. That is what will open Iraq to the world. Go Article VIII announcement Go RI. This is at the discretion of the IMF. In the meantime, I hope Iraq restructures their currency very soon. This is a CBI function and at their discretion.

7-1-2023 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] As far as Iraq is concerned, they are wrapping up their Eid on Sunday. We have a new rate from Iraq coming out and the Iraq dinar – the new Iraqi dinar – will be on the Forex Sunday evening at five o’clock and we would be able to see it here. If you’re a Forex person, you could see it…It’s been on there and it’s been trading, but it’s been blocked for the United States. Now my understanding is that Sunday at five o’clock if you’re a subscriber to Forex, that would come off and you would be able to witness the rate and see the trading that’s going on with the Iraqi dinar starting around five o’clock – On Sunday, the second of July.

7-1-2023 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Community comment “Iraq should have a tradable currency before they join the WTO.” They already do! The dinar is globally tradable. The problem is no banks want to deal with it until Iraq’s central bank is in compliance with other world Banks under IMF Article VIII.

7-1-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Parliament is now on recess until after Eid holiday. When they come back the focus is said to be all about two issues. How to solve the budget deficit without borrowing money and to get the Oil and Gas law passed and implemented…Seems now there is a new ignited will to get it done…I will be calling my contact in Iraq CBI and getting the full scoop, I hope, on why we have not seen the reinstatement and project to delete the zeros as they told me it would occur this week sometime. I will be asking if it is the Oil and Gas law holding it up or what? But something is holding it up, obviously.

7-1-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy The WTO isn’t going to let them in unless they change their exchange rate. That’s false…They have many members in there with even worse currencies than the Iraqi dinar…Vietnam is one of the members and they’ve been in there since 1950…For every US dollar you get 23,540 Vietnam dong. To say they have to increase your exchange rate in order to be a member of the WTO is false.

7-1-2023 Newshound Guru Clare “After the end of its recess, the House of Representatives is preparing to pass 3 prominent laws” Quote: “Parliamentary committees intend, after the end of the legislative recess, to pass the Communications Law, the Investment Law, and the National Security Law, all of which serve the citizens.”

7-1-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: They talking about after the EID holiday instructions on the budget will be given to all citizens…

7-1-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I am very confident the…the dong will go at the same time as the dinar.

7-1-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man Member Question: So whats the major hold up? Or is it just the process playing out? Militia Man: I think it’s just the process playing out. This is one of the biggest things I have ever seen in my lifetime…all coming together. All the electronic platforms…the new Iso2022 system…the new ATFX ready to go for forex currency trading and pairing… Its now 2023 and Iraq has a 3 year budget for the first time ever…Ali Alaq came back from the AMF (Arab Monetary Fund?) to get this RV off the ground because the guy before him didn’t get it done. This is all coming to an end. There is no hold up- just the process coming to an end. …Everyone seems happy and we will be on pins and needles…hopefully between now and the third they will showcase this country.