Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-6-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-6-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions6-6-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 The IMF said to the CBI and Sudani, ‘Get your budget out now.’ Why? Because it has the markers…evidence…reasons for a new exchange rate and international currency…So the IMF came out last week and told the CBI and Sudani will you please open your budget instead of the same old mantra, ‘Raise the value of your currency.’ Now it’s, ‘will you please open your budget because you’re dealing with a recession.’

6-6-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] “Oil surges after Saudi’s make additional 1 million bpd voluntary production cut” To me this is important because Iraq’s value is affected by oil…I think this may be a move to help support Iraq’s value…

6-5-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 The potential of the Iraqi dinar once it starts floating is ridiculous. That’s why they’ going to have to keep a + or – 2% to 3% and put a cap on it. And that’s why IMO I think the cap should be somewhere around $4.25.

6-5-2023 Intel Guru Angle1 In February there was a massive delegation from Iraq who went to DC to talk about the economic reforms. Here’s what we know for a fact. DC told Iraq they have until June 1 to execute everything. To revalue their currency, to make them international and to move forward with their monetary reform. June 1 passed. Let me backtrack. May 30th was absolutely massive…there was a decision in which Kurdistan Regional Government was dissolved. Iraq was like a two headed monster… Baghdad… Kurdistan…that was unconstitutional…On May 30th the judge ruled and now the KRG has been dissolved. Their power and authority has been taken from them…that was a requirement in order for them to move forward.

6-5-2023 Intel Guru Angel1 May 31 the highest level delegation arrived in DC and the purpose of that visit was to ask for an extension. Remember June 1 was the hard date…they were in DC for less than 24 hours…they got their extension …commands… orders…That same day the CBI stops all transactions from Western Union. The purpose of that was to take full control of the IQD…June 1 was another huge day. They launched the electronic platform with great success…now we’re going to see and we have been seeing lightening speed because of the decisions and agreements that these Middle Eastern countries have made and continue to make together…they want to see the Middle East explode. That is what’s happening right now.

6-5-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] It was exceptionally quiet today. Everyone seems to be expecting a very big news day tomorrow. We will see how that goes.

6-5-2023 Intel/Newshound Guru Walkingstick [via Frank26] There ain’t no delays. Ain’t no problems. They’re going down the budget and they’re checking off all that is needed to prepare the release of the budget and for their monetary and economic reforms. That budget is the spinal cord for the economic reforms because of the success of the monetary reform and the RV phase that put the monetary reform where it’s at right now…to see it reinstated, put back to what it was, that would be good.

6-5-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man The IMF gave them a stern warning …It says time is running short for this government …Opportunities are beginning to diminish. It goes on and says it must focus on dealing with the internal economic imbalances and the corruption with all its tool…Iraq has some shackles still…I think it was protections for investors…this comment basically stating get your internal stuff done because the international external situation, those deals, are not what we’re going to be talking about…get Article VIII complaint and let’s move on and get to the private sector…

6-5-2023 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram Article: “$17 billion Development Road Project Launched by Iraqi Government” …Iraq’s project could change global travel routes. Iraq is building a transport corridor between the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean Sea…this is a major development that could change the way the world travels from Asia to Europe.

6-5-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy Iran and Saudi Arabia whose intentions are to join the BRICS nations this obviously could affect Iraq. I’m sure those same nations approached Iraq about joining BRICS nations as well which would be a major concern to the United States and this is why the United States sent more troops back to Iraq and they’re building a new base. So they have no intentions of getting out of Iraq. They’re there to protect their interest and the interest isn’t the Iraqi people, it’s the minerals in the ground and the oil.

6-5-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I expect a steller week of great news and lots of ups and downs…I am getting inundated with the expectations we will see massive movement this week… Stay bucked up and be ready.

6-5-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 Sudani constantly every day…says, ‘Citizens of Iraq hold onto your dinars because they are going to be more powerful. We’re adding value to it.’ More powerful than what, Superman? ‘No, more powerful than the American dollar.’ Then it should be more powerful than $1. How about $1.50…

6-5-2023 Intel Guru Angel1 I’m no longer concerned about the budget. I truly believe the budget has worked itself out…I don’t think we’ll have it today or tomorrow but I do believe it’ll be done this week for sure.

6-5-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …the reinstatement of the IQD, the liberation of the IQD is coming and it’s not going to be years. Soon we will see the honest asset-backed rate…It’s all in the making and my CBI contact told me to just be patient…it must get to a high state of SECURITY and STABILITY before they release it. I believe they have already reached this point and the currency reform (with the de-dollarization and de-pegging) is at the point of no return. It must now move ahead to the next stage.