A series of government dismissals..!

A series of government dismissals..!


A series of government dismissalsSaad Jassim Al-Kaabi
The government’s decision to dismiss about 60 employees with the rank of director general in various ministries may be part of a comprehensive change process that Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani talked about, especially the positions of general managers in the country.

The decision, which is the first of its kind in terms of the number of dismissals of senior administrative positions in the country, came six months after the granting of the government of Shia’a al-Sudani.

The collective dismissal decisions of the general managers included the various ministries and agencies inside Baghdad and the country’s governorates, which indicates that it was carried out with a political consensus between the blocs and parties, as Al-Sudani seeks to avoid expected waves of protest with the onset of summer, especially with the continued poor supply of electricity and water to the regions, especially in the cities of the south. The most densely populated country.

This first round of dismissals included 57 general managers who were subject to change, while other dismissals are expected.

Those included in the dismissal work in the Ministries of Labor and Housing, Electricity, the Municipality of Baghdad, and the Office of Financial Supervision, of whom 30 are original directors in their positions, and 27 others work in their positions by proxy.

The dismissal decision falls under the framework

Applying the vocabulary of administrative reform within the work priorities, according to a statement by the government, provided that it is

The replacements for the general managers who failed in the evaluation are among the staff working within the ministry.

Some interpreted this decision as a series of expected “revenge”, and that it will continue, after a first wave that included the change of 169 personalities, clerics, military leaders and tribal sheikhs with various charges and ready-made justifications who worked within the previous Al-Kazemi government.

And some of them say that such measures are behind the leader of the coordination framework and former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki for the purpose of settling scores with his opponents, and may extend to the leadership of the Sadrist movement itself.

There are those who believe that this phenomenon has been prevalent in Iraq since 2003, with any new government that assumes power extending its roots in all ministries, departments and security agencies to gain and strengthen its loyalty and pillars by replacing and limiting its opponents from their positions, but it is the first time that it reaches to dismiss general managers.

It is strange that the decision did not include the Kurdish directors at all, while it included the rest, and the replacements will inevitably be of the same sectarian and political color from which the dismissed general managers were dismissed.

The decision itself is good if it stirs still waters, expels negligent people, and infuses new, young blood into the government, but on the condition that it is not a door for political targeting, settling old scores, or bringing back corrupt faces after a while under the pretext of experience.

Of course, we support the decision of the Sudanese and his government to banish chronic and nesting dinosaurs for two decades or less, as long as the intentions are sound, the procedures are legal, and serving the country is its ultimate goal, not to settle old scores, because it would mean a crisis that has been postponed for a while, and the country will enter into new crises and keep the fire under the ashes.
