A crucial meeting between Parliamentary Finance and heads of blocs on passing the budget

A crucial meeting between Parliamentary Finance and heads of blocs on passing the budget


A crucial meeting between Parliamentary Finance and heads of blocs on passing the budgetInformation / Baghdad ..
A parliamentary source stated today, Tuesday, that a crucial meeting was held between the parliamentary finance and the heads of the blocs on passing the draft general budget law.
The source said, in an interview with the information agency, that “the Finance Committee, headed by Representative Atwan Al-Atwani and in the presence of its members, met with the heads of parliamentary committees to discuss the draft federal budget law.”
He pointed out that “the aim of the meeting is to put the final touches on the general budget law for the current year 2023 for the purpose of completing its reading inside the dome of Parliament.”
The deficit rate amounted to 63.275 trillion dinars, with the adoption of a price of $ 70 per barrel of oil, given that more than 95 percent of budget revenues depend on oil sales.
