Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-20-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-20-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions4-20-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 Instagram Post “Prime Minister Mr. Mohmaed Shia Al-Sudani: The exchange rate will return to 15 dinars per dollar and our financial situation is at its best.” …The IQD at $1.50? …Is it 15 or is it 1.5? … 1.5 to 1 dinar or 15 dinars to 1 dollar? I don’t know.

4-20-2023 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] Are we waiting for anything else? That we don’t know? We don’t know of anything else. That tells us – when it’s this quiet, like people that we’re supposed to have heard from did not communicate with us by text or call – Neither one – that tells me we’re in this quiet before the storm. We’re in the quiet before the release of everything … the Treasury gave a green light for us to go forward. So unless something happened and those were rescinded, we should still be ready to go…we heard this could…occur at any minute.

4-20-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] We are hearing a lot of chatter over the next few days and especially for over the weekend. So, I feel good. I feel like we are there. The news is overwhelmingly good.

4-19-2023 Newshound Guru Clare Trade Bank of Iraq tweet “It was decided that the approved cash currency in all ATMs affiliated to the Iraqi Trade Bank shall be in the dinar currency only, and the dollar currency shall be canceled from those devices, as well as the national currency shall be adopted in all electronic financial services, in implementation of the decision of the Council of Ministers and the directives of the Central Bank of Iraq.”

4-19-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 [ Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: The CBI governor is talking more of this program rate plan and the alert that they put us on. They are telling us this is all part of the restructure of Iraq ‘s banking… FRANK: It’s important for you to understand. They are not trying to stabilize the program rate. They are trying to stabilize the discrepancy between the Iraqi dinar and the American dollar. To close the gap. That is the internal float…This gap is too big right now…They have to narrow it to reach 1 to 1 in order to float internationally…They are moving like a bunch of ants quickly to accomplish their goal.

4-19-2023 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram How to protect your exotic currency profits… Step 1: Treat taxes like an expense…In the United States you…can buy exotic currencies all day everyday and never be taxed, until you exchange the currency for US dollars (or any currency) and earn a profit…You may say, ‘I travel all the time and exchange currency… without paying taxes.’ While this is true, I dare you to bring back $10,000 of that country’s currency and exchange it in the United States…

4-19-2023 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram If you are trying to exchange 100,000 Iraqi dinar, in the future, for .25 cents or even 1 dinar to 1 US dollar there will be a lot of questions asked. This information would be forwarded to the IRS and 2 or 3 years later if this transaction did not show up on your tax return you would receive a letter from the Department of the Treasury. This letter could be the beginning of your path to prison if you do or did not comply. Step 2: The wealthy have stock and they borrow against their stock for living expenses, most times…we have to do things a little differently.

4-19-2023 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram A way to stay wealthy is finding a way to provide a monthly cash flow so we do not spend our initial profits…hiring a financial advisor is recommended… Step 3: Is NOT for everyone…many ex-pats live extremely well on $2000/month outside of the United States . If you do anything else except pay for medical insurance…you are on your way to being broke. This is not a mistake you can afford to make… [Post 3 of 3] [NOTE: Consult your tax and financial experts at the appropriate time to build plans for your unique circumstances.]

4-19-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ I am excited about everything going on. …The third reading of the 3 year budget I am hearing may be late tonight or early tomorrow? That they want it done for Eid Al Fitr by Thursday on the 20th which is tomorrow.

4-19-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 Article quote: “A government advisor confirmed, on Tuesday, that the parallel market for selling the dollar will witness a new decline during the next ten days and will come closer to the official price…after the agreement with the American side.” HERE IS THE NEXT RATE DECREASE WE TOLD YOU ABOUT BEFORE THEY START THE FLOAT! THERE ARE NO MORE SECRETS TO THE MONETARY REFORM!…

4-19-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy There is no in-country/out-country special rate. I don’t care what the hell people tell you. All you have to do is apply common sense. If that was the case you would have people smuggling money all day long…If somebody is selling 1750 dinars for every dollar I would take as much money as possible, buy those dinars, turn around and go back into Iraq’s bank and exchange my dinars for American currency at the fixed rate 1300 dinars for every dollar. I’d be pocketing another 450 dinars in revenue. So no there is no in-country rate. There is no special rate for officials. There’s none of that crap. That doesn’t make any sense.

4-19-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man Where we are is an amazing time frame because the budget is key in importance. We have Al Sudani, it’s not his job to be telling people that his currency is going to change in the next few weeks, but he does…

4-19-2023 Guest Guru Goldilocks Iraq is expanding their ISX market to include oil, gold, and foreign companies. This will expand the reach of the Iraqi Dinar and create more demand for their currency. It is a move that will increase the value of their National Currency, of which, they are currently exclusively utilizing at this time. They will need to move from a programmed rate to a competitive rate to succeed on a market expansion such as this we are witnessing. We are getting even closer my friends.

4-19-2023 Newshound Guru Clare Question “since the budget has been read twice does it have to be voted on before a third reading?” No IMO.

4-19-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: Bank friend…said – with the help of the US Treasury they are now working on stabilizing the program rate. It’s being done with an internal float. When this is completed all these meeting with the World Bank and IMF is because they will be the one helping us go international. The process is moving at full force. FRANK: And quickly.

4-19-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Member comment: I hear the dong rate will be through the roof. MarkZ: I am hearing that as well….

4-19-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat The IMF and the World Bank recently met with an Iraqi delegation held in Washington, D.C…the meeting witnessed deliberation in the economic and financial goals that the Iraqi government is working to achieve. One of which was the future monetary policy of Iraq and the currency reform…Then articles…come out this week…quote – “The Iraqi dinar continues to make gains at the expense of the us dollar exchange rate” and then on Monday, Prime Minister…al-Sudani indicated that the value of the Iraqi dinar will rise against the US dollar during the next few weeks…Folks we are heading for the long-awaited reinstatement of the Iraqi dinar to FOREX not as a placeholder but open for business full trading…How could the news possibly get any better?