Al-Sadr freezes the Sadrist movement and closes his Twitter account.
Al-Sadr freezes the Sadrist movement and closes his Twitter account.
Today, Friday, the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, decided to freeze the entire Sadrist movement, except for Friday prayers, the Heritage Authority, and (Barani al-Sayyid al-Shahid) for a period of no less than a year.
Al-Sadr said in a tweet, “To be a reformer for Iraq… and I cannot reform the Sadrist movement, for this is a sin.”
And he added, “And to continue to lead the ‘Sadr movement’, in which there are ‘people of the cause’ and some of the ‘corrupt’, and in which there are some reprehensible people… this is a serious matter.”
And Al-Sadr continued: “So I find it in the interest to freeze the movement as a whole, except for Friday prayers, the Heritage Committee, and “Branny the Martyr” for a period of no less than a year.
And he continued, “And the shrine of the father (Jerusalem) is closed until after Eid al-Fitr. These decisions are to be implemented from this blessed night immediately. Oh God, do not hold us accountable for what the foolish of us did. By God, I have tired of them and they have tired of me.”
In another tweet, Muqtada al-Sadr announced the closure of his account on the Twitter platform.
After Muqtada al-Sadr tweeted to close his Twitter account, the media platforms affiliated with the Sadrist movement also decided to close them one by one.
This comes after Saleh Muhammad al-Iraqi, known as Minister of the Leader, announced, a few hours ago, that the leader of the Sadrist movement had canceled a supposed i’tikaf in the Kufa mosque because of the “people of the cause.”
The Minister of the Leader did not clarify more details about the “cancellation of i’tikaf”, or who he meant by the tweet.
However, private sources revealed that “a group calling itself the Owners of the Cause spread rumors that Imam Mahdi, pbuh, will appear in Kufa, in conjunction with a decision by Al-Sadr to participate in the I’tikaaf.”
This group belongs to the Sadrist movement, and considers Muqtada al-Sadr to be Imam al-Mahdi or his guardian, according to the sources.