Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-2-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-2-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions4-2-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 [Bank Story] I called my local Chase bank. I said, can you tell me if you’re currently exchanging Iraq currency? They said everything is changing minute by minute. Your best bet is too coming into the branch. I do not have an account with Chase bank… me and my husband went down…I was at the teller letting them know I needed to open an account and needed to exchange foreign currency… She starts taking all of our information and says can you hold on just a sec? The branch manager is wanting to talk to you. I said sure.

4-2-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 [Bank story continued] 2 1/2 hours later we finally got out of there. We are private clients now with Chase Bank. Private Client Accounts are the larger accounts…meanwhile when we were meeting with the branch manager…He said he’s seeing it [dinar] come and go on the screens. He showed me they had two screens. I stood there and watch him…He said you have 30 days to fund the account and the wealth manager will be calling you…He said he looked forward to seeing you in the future…

4-2-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] … the negative impact of Parliament not moving forward with the budget. It’s my opinion that the reason they have not moved forward is they know they are about to spring the new rate. But they are being pressured by the people as they have not been able to pay 600,000 government employees or so because they haven’t taken care of the mechanism in the budget. This push to me signals sooner than the end of Ramadan because these people need to be paid. This is very positive things in the streets of Iraq.

4-1-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 Concern “I’m not sure what to do about how to prepare for taxes.” You take a portion out. If you have a million dollars you should consider $300,000 or maybe even $400,000 doesn’t belong to you. If you’re left with $500,000 or $600,000 be grateful for that….When you exchange your currency you are also taking out what you need to pay your taxes with of that amount. Never never use money that doesn’t belong to you because how are you going to pay it back? [NOTE: Consult your tax professionals to help you determine the appropriate amount of tax for your unique circumstances.]

4-1-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy The market rate is ridiculous. One of the ways they can combat it is to revalue the Iraqi dinar. But that would take it from 1300 dinars right back to where it was before…1100 dinar. Maybe even as low as 1050 dinars. By doing that it’s going to strengthen the Iraqi dinar while at the same time closing that gap when it comes to the black market.

4-1-2023 Guest Guru Deepwoodz Article: “Central Bank: The dollar began to decline continuously” The float?

4-1-2023 Guru Nader From The Mid East This is coming from my friend in California . He’s giving you a message. He said they start implementation. They’re going to straighten out the dollar. They said a couple of days, yesterday so it should be today or tomorrow you should see the difference a little bit…


4-1-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man Iraq’s reserves are sufficient. They have the freedom of transfer. They have the legal frameworks. They’re in compliance. All of these things are effectively giving strength to the Iraqi dinar. To my thinking, and to some others, at some point in time they’re going to have to make another adjustment to their exchange rate to be internationally compliant and finish the final process…

4-1-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …on the RV side…I have never seen so much overwhelming stuff out of bankers during this whole process. Yes, they have been upbeat before…but right now they are losing it…in a good way…

4-1-2023 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “Al-Sudani’s advisor identifies the reasons for the decline in the parallel price of the dollar in the Iraqi market” Quote: “The Central Bank’s window sales began to touch their previous normal rates of sale, to reach approximately $200 million per working day in the foreign currency auction, which is a very stable level of sales to meet the market demand for foreign exchange…the price differences between the official exchange rate of the dinar against the dollar and the price equivalent to it did not widen, but there are strong signals towards contraction…especially the decline of the dollar in the parallel price…The parallel price means the exchange rate of the dollar in the market and exchanges, and not the official price set at 1132 dinars per dollar”

4-1-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “Central Bank: Dollar will gradually fall within two days to reach official rate” This article I find very interesting…this person was able to pinpoint an actual time when the gap between the official rate and the market rate would be closed…it looks like it has fallen. You get 1461 dinars for every dollar compared to where it was – 1700 and something…the market rate is indeed going down. This is good. We want that number to shrink…I would love to see that sucker continue to drop, drop and drop…

4-1-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: Bank friend thinks it might not float but go straight to $3+ FRANK: I heard about that rumor…it’s stupid. It has to float. Mathematically they need to float…Either way we win…

4-1-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I know people who helped set up centers in banks …You can call them redemption centers or you can call them banking locations set up logistically to handle exchanges…the terminology is different but they are the same. You can call it whatever you want to call it. I know there are places set up to specifically handle this.

4-1-2023 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …it appears that the kickoff day for this could be somewhere around the weekend, Saturday, Sunday, Monday. It could be if we don’t get started on Saturday, for example – It may defer to Monday…money is really supposed to really be flowing on Saturday, April 1st…I think we’re in a really good place…