State of Law: Al-Kazemi did not fight corruption, but rather sponsored and led it

State of Law: Al-Kazemi did not fight corruption, but rather sponsored and led it


State of Law - Al-Kazemi did not fight corruption but rather sponsored and led itInformation / Baghdad..
A member of the State of Law Coalition, Khaled Al-Saray, confirmed, on Tuesday, the involvement of former Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi in leading corruption mafias in Iraq, indicating that Al-Kazemi assigned 500 intelligence officers to manage his pages on social media.

Al-Saray said in a televised interview, followed by Al-Maalouma, that “Mustafa Al-Kadhimi did not fight corruption, but rather sponsored and participated in it, and that the current Prime Minister, Muhammad Shia’a Al-Sudani, refused more than once to meet him.”

He added, “The former prime minister is involved in a case affecting Iraqi security, as he assigned 500 officers and employees of the intelligence service to manage his pages on social media.”

He pointed out that “the previous government granted every journalist working to stoke discord between the coordination framework and the Sadrist movement, one million and 500 thousand dinars as a regular monthly salary, which reveals the size of the plot he was weaving against the country.”