Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 2-19-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 2-19-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions2-19-2023 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram Article: “The most mysterious..What did the Iraqi delegation achieve in its visit to Washington?” There was more about the meeting than the mainstream US press was revealing…there as a media silence surrounding the visit. The visit lasted 6 days…this is what we do know. 1. Daily auctions are a thing 0f the past. 2…Redirecting the Iraqi energy sector away from Iran. 3…Accusations against the Iraqi banking sector that allowed the Iranian regime to evade western sanctions. 4…Money laundering…

2-19-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I do know that those who are involved at redemption centers will be working on Monday. Whether or not its behind the scenes work or will it be involving us…I do not know. It could be updates and changes in procedures training…I do not know.

2-18-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Beginning of the White Paper reforms for Iraq …The Wealth Transfer is coming… yes it is in progress. Weeks ago the IQD was taken off the sole peg to the US dollar. Surprise, surprise…!!! …This was done while implementing the US Treasury electronic platform. The reason for the platform was not just to curb corruption but also for Iraq to get off the US dollar. Yes, finally ditch the dollar. …Like many changes this will take time to adjust… Then Al-Alaq implemented quickly yet another step to the process including the lock-down of an official rate of the IQD.

2-18-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 The second phase is dealing with corruption but the second phase is actually to introduce the new small category notes and the new exchange rate IMO…

2-18-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy Will there be an increase in the Iraqi dinar? I hope so. Whether it be a big one where the Iraqi dinar is actually exchanging with more value than the U.S. dollar, I don’t think so. I could be wrong but I don’t think so…

2-18-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick [via Frank26] They are pressing forward the new exchange rate…because everything waits for the new exchange rate – the banks, money exchangers, the budget, you name it, they all wait for the same thing – the new exchange rate.

2-18-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 I’m telling you they’ve launched the 2nd stage. Don’t pay attention to the budget being launched/released coming out with the new rate. It doesn’t matter. It is going to gradually float.

2-18-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Positive news from Iraq is that the CBI could pull the trigger at anytime…and they do love their 3 day weekends. The government shut everything down there for a national holiday on Thursday …then off on Friday and Saturday which is their normal weekend. We have heard that the budget is moving forward and was submitted…this is positive…

2-18-2023 Newshound Guru Henig Article: “We reached a “good agreement” with Washington on the exchange rate crisis” Quote: “from now on, the import and export of dollars to and from Iraq will be through an electronic system,” adding that “the establishment of the electronic system will be in the interest of Iraq and the national currency (dinar).”

2-18-2023 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram Houston we have a problem. Counterfeit dollars and Iraqi dinars found in Northern Iraq. Article: “Counterfeit money sweeping northern Iraq” Counterfeit US dollars deepens the financial crisis in Iraq as denominations of counterfeit US dollars appeared in the Kurdistan region. Now the Minister of Finance and Economy in the Kurdistan region of Iraq called on citizens to pay attention and be aware of the spread of counterfeit local currencies and the US dollar.

2-18-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy It looks like Iraq is going to be working with Interpol. If they catch anybody do money laundering or smuggling a currency to go ahead and turn them over because it’s a really important step in fixing everything that’s wrong over there in Iraq.

2-18-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat I am being told by my CBI contact that the CBI has about two weeks to prove they can withstand a rate of 1000 dinars to the US dollar… they will evaluate the situation and decide a “Go” or “No Go” to 1:1. …we could very possibly see a rate of about 1 dinar to 1 dollar (1:1) in two weeks from now but I really do not think it will happen that soon. This is their goal in Iraq anyhow… Yes, I said 1:1 “in Iraq” as I have told you all along that the rate you will see in your country outside of Iraq may be much higher…This is amazing news…