Deputy: Federal Court decision may delay sending the budget

Deputy: Federal Court decision may delay sending the budget


Deputy - Federal Court decision may delay sending the budgetInformation / Baghdad ..
Member of the House of Representatives, Nazem Al-Shibli, suggested, on Sunday, the delay in sending the budget by the government to Parliament due to the recent variable related to the decision of the Federal Court.
Al-Shibli said, in a statement to Al-Maalouma, that “the draft budget law is professionally integrated, but the last variable after the Federal Court’s decision related to the delivery of the region’s oil prevented it from being sent to parliament,” suggesting “delaying sending the budget until after finding a way and a new solution.” for the crisis.”
He added, “Unfortunately, the solutions set by the political forces regarding the region’s oil and its relationship with the center were fair to the solutions due to the lack of political frankness.”
Al-Shibli indicated that “the House of Representatives will not accept throwing the ball into its court, and a new political consensus must be found to cross the crisis.”
A member of the House of Representatives, Baqir Al-Saadi, confirmed in a previous statement that the agreement to determine the percentage of Kurdistan from the general budget will be done while ensuring that the oil and gas export revenues are handed over to the central government, while stressing that the region has entitlements and duties that everyone must abide by.