Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-26-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-26-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions1-26-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat … Is this a VERY GOOD time to conduct the project to delete the zeros and move to FOREX. Since there is a shortage of dinar and dollars on the streets it would be advantageous to do so. My impression is that it could not be a more favorable time in the history of this RV saga…

1-26-2023 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] They’re all set and ready to go. Their currency will actually be traded on Sunday. Their first business day is Sunday, this coming Sunday. Okay, so that’s gonna take place for Iraq – good for us…We don’t know when – I’m not going to predict the time… but I’m hoping to say most likely Thursday…Iraq is good to go and they have a rate that is commensurate or higher than what Dr. Shabibi predicted 10 years ago at the International Chamber of Commerce meeting in Washington DC…we are at or above that rate now…let’s see what happens.

1-25-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] It’s a great time to be alive…very exciting…I am being told by the overwhelming majority of my sources are expecting the international rate for the dinar to be $ 3.22 right now. I have also heard from a couple of folks that it could come out around $1.46 and then float. I do not expect that. The overwhelming majority are looking for $3+…

1-25-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man Why was the Central Bank governor dismissed? We could figure on it was probably corruption. He was talking to the Judiciary Committee and decide not to talk so ultimately that didn’t look so good and he was deposed, resigned, fired if you will. Same went with the Iraqi Trade Bank because those two banks…had a job to do. They just didn’t get the job done. At this stage of the game we believe that Alaq has come back into the stage totally qualified. He’s been a central bank governor before and has the experience with the new electronic platforms.

1-25-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 [ Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: They are determined to cut out smuggling of the dollar…my bank friend says once it’s under control the process will go next step. The end goal is to get dinars to its official rate with stability and corruption free. FRANK: …Your bank friend is 100% correct.

1-25-2023 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “An Iraqi delegation visits Washington to discuss the crisis of the rising dollar” Quote: “The Islamic Supreme Council, one of the forces of the coordination framework, revealed today, Wednesday, that an Iraqi delegation will soon visit the United States of America in order to discuss the high exchange rate of the dollar in Iraq.”

1-25-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I am hearing leaves being canceled and vacations being canceled from a couple of banking sources… Street level banks believe they will be busy with the new system starting Feb. 1st… Things are ratcheting up.

1-25-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick [via Frank26] Question: “What do you think of this guy [Alaq the new CBI governor]?” Whoever came into the CBI had to be on board with the monetary reform that Dr. Shabibi established…A governor of a central bank, they’re not thinkers. They don’t have to do anything. They just do what they’re told and he [the now former CBI governor] wasn’t moving fast enough…governor of a central bank is nothing more but a yes man to the prime minister…

1-25-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 3 things I’m looking for. The new small category notes, the new exchange rate and the 2023 budget. That’s the trifecta…

1-25-2023 Newshound Guru Henig Article: “Economist: Appointing al-Alaq is a positive step to gain the confidence of the Federal Reserve Bank and the US Treasury”

1-25-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man They replaced the Central Bank Governor Gheleb with Alaq who was the late central governor for many years. He went off to the AMF (Arab Monetary Fund) who owns the Buna platform. He’s back for a period of time to be able to facilitate things.

1-25-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [(Guru) Nader…said the rate had been decided but he did not know what it was or when they were going to announce it] Nader was the first to break this news but, I am hearing the same from multiple sources…multiple confirmation about this news and none are associated with Nader. Some confirmations from people on the ground in Iraq…of late announcements from Iraq that the decision has been made to raise or increase the value of the dinar in comparison to the Us dollar. We don’t know what it is yet or when they are going to execute it. But, we know they have made the decision to pull the trigger.

1-25-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …we do not know what that rate is going to be. But the dinar will become far more valuable than the US dollar. Will it be 30% higher and float…or $1, or $1.66 or will go all at once with the gold treaty…? We don’t know yet. Now we have to wait and see what that value is going to be….and how quickly they move on it… I am still hearing from my banking contacts and they are absolutely expecting it to happen by Feb. 1st…which is a very short window right now.

1-25-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: The CBI is now talking and saying they have a new app the citizens can use to check daily the exchange rate. Isn’t that funny…they want us to look at the exchange rate daily…when it floats that’s when it’s going to change, right FRANK: …That’s just one of the ways the CBI will be telling all of Iraqi citizens they have a new exchange rate.

1-25-2023 Guru Nader From The Mid East Today Sudani made the decision to change the Iraqi dinar against the dollar. How much? I don’t know? When? This week or next week I don’t know but he made a decision. The decision has been made. How much I don’ know. I can be 1180. It can be 1160. Can be 1 to 1. I don’t know.

1-25-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat So was Alaq a good guy or bad guy? Ali Alaq was instrumental in getting the newer lower denominations printed…We read articles that these were, in fact, printed… Then…in mid-June 2020 they challenged Alaq’s proxy position… Alaq’s proxy position was of course a conflict of interest and objectionable to the ability of the CBI to stay independent of the GOI. He had to go mainly for this reason…Today we see a change in leadership back to Alaq. Wow! …So Alaq is no longer a proxy. He is officially the governor now… I believe this is a good move and in the right direction. It will only help our situation now we know there is someone at the helm of the CBI once again who truly supports the completion of the currency reform project in Iraq.