Including the pricing of medicines in dinars..The Doctors Syndicate calls for 4 measures to counter the rise in the dollar

Including the pricing of medicines in dinars..The Doctors Syndicate calls for 4 measures to counter the rise in the dollar


Including the pricing of medicines in dinars..The Doctors Syndicate calls for 4 measures to counter the rise in the dollarInformation / Baghdad..
On Wednesday, the Iraqi Doctors Syndicate – Basra branch called on the government to impose a price for buying medicines in Iraqi dinars, warning that the continued rise in the price of the dollar warns of dire consequences.

The Syndicate stated in a statement it received / information / that it is monitoring “the deterioration of the economic conditions associated with inflation due to the rise in the exchange rate of the dollar and the decrease in the purchasing power of citizens due to the rise in consumer goods prices, as the inflation in the prices of imported goods in dollars at the beginning of this year has reached 10 percent.” % compared to 2021, but when compared to 2019, the inflation in imported goods in dollars amounted to 32%.

And she added, “As for the earnings and workers, the damage is the same, in addition to their harm as a result of the economic recession and the delay in economic activity by capital, investors and contractors as a result of their reconsideration and delay before entering into business and deals due to the difference in costs and economic feasibility, taking into account that the economic situation has Citizens are warned not to pay the installments of advances they obtained earlier.

She pointed out, “We believe that the government should take urgent economic and control measures to protect citizens, in a manner commensurate with the high cost of living and the collapse of the value of the Iraqi dinar, the most important of which is launching the distribution of basic materials in the ration card to support citizens urgently, and amending the current salary scale and increasing it by no less than About 25% of the employee’s total salary, in line with the purchasing power lost by the Iraqi dinar.

It also called for “the disbursement of sums of the cost of living allowance for families covered by social security and protection, retirees, and families covered by the ration card, and imposing the pricing of medicines and supplies in Iraqi dinars, and that the government bears paying the difference in exchange rate changes instead of charging the citizen with additional costs.”

And she warned that “the continuation of inflation and economic deterioration portends dire consequences for the social and health reality of citizens, and urgent decisions must be taken to address its negative effects.”