Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-6-2023
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-6-2023
1-6-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “FOR THE FIRST TIME, CENTRAL BANK SALES ARE DEVOID OF FOREIGN REMITTANCES” Quote: “the central bank sold today, during its auction for buying and selling US dollars, 43 million and 500 thousand dollars…” They have told us Iraq needs about 60 million in currency auctions sales a week to meet the demand of the Iraq economy. So this sales is just about where they expect it. Also this time the auctions sold only CASH and no large electronic transfers…
1-6-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Did they finally get it under control using the new platform installed by the US Treasury? Remember it was going over 200 million most weeks and the difference was being stolen and not part of the economy…To me this is very good news…It matters in stabilizing the monetary system of Iraq. We need this before they will pull the trigger on any reinstatement. When the CBI says they need ‘stability” this is all part of it.
1-5-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …There is a lot going on. Things are getting exciting right now as we get into the final moments of this thing…the final innings…the final rounds…I am getting a whole lot of chatter that they are expecting us to be fully funded by the 9th right now. I am very nervous when I hear exact dates…so trying to stay grounded…We have been on this roller coaster before so try to stay calm. But it does look so good right now. I am very excited about the days ahead. I hope I am not sitting here next week with egg on my face…But, I really think we are at the end of this thing…. All my sources say it’s very close.
1-5-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy I think this [stability of the dinar] is going to be an issue for the first couple of months going into 2023 but after that there should be some stability and then growth for the Iraqi dinar…
1-5-2022 Intel Guru Frank26 Somebody said, ‘How is it that Iraq is going to pay me $3 per dinar? How can they afford that?’ First of all they’re filthy rich and second of all they don’t have to just pay you in Iraqi dinars…In order to belong to the WTO all countries use multiple currencies to pay their bills, to buy things, to trade with… (they are being escorted…to be a WTO member) …To be a WTO member you must have no restrictions on your currency. None whatsoever. Your currency must be fully convertible. Wow. That is the definition of Article VIII…IMO the IQD is soon to float internationally…but right now it’s floating internally and you can see that as the USD exchange rate fluctuates right now…
1-5-2023 Newshound Guru Paulette If the new rate does not directly apply to both old and new currency, the CBI will have created a Multi Currency Practice structure in violation of the IMF Article 8. Therefore, the IMF will not be able to authorize a Reinstatement due to Iraq being in violation of Article 8. This would also prevent full ascension to the WTO. Certainly the plan for Iraq cannot be to run their country on USD forever. The underlying fundamentals for holding IQD are sound. The implementation of the “Delete the Zeros” project will tell us just how sound.
1-5-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man Article: “Iraq achieves the largest purchase of US Treasury bonds in 10 years” Iraq holding US Treasury Bonds doesn’t suggest their is an issue with the value of the Dollar or they wouldn’t be net buyers. They know what the UST has in foreign reserves.. As in IQD, being one of the largest. All boats rise with the tide, Iraq included..
1-5-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick [via Frank26] [Walkingstick’s Iraqi Bank partner/friend update] On Monday we [U.S. CBI satellite bank] have site meeting with the CBI. All my employees will be there too…The CBI wants to talk to us.
1-5-2023 Guru Nader From The Mid East Two things you’re gonna see. When they stop selling and buying [dinars] at the banks for a week or two. When you see new very small currency come out – 1, 5, 10, 20 maybe 25, 50, 100. Now you can smile and say they made it.
1-5-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy The news as usual has to do with the dinar exchange rate. Every day one to two articles about changes to the exchange rate, thought about changes to the exchange rate, Central Bank of Iraq saying there’s no change to the exchange rate, Stock exchange playing havoc on the exchange rate, one thing or another is in the news about the exchange rate and this causes a lot of confusion…
1-5-2022 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: Protesters outside of the CBI demanding the dollar go down and strengthen our dinars. This started around 2 dozen protesters but it’s growing over 100 and now security forces are called in which are standing by. FRANK: This will only last a day. You will have good news very soon. I don’t blame the citizens that are protesting at the CBI either. The governor knows he can be fired at any moment. That’s why he’s going at a faster pace… impossible as it may seem the monetary reform is on solid ground and gaining ground…
1-5-2023 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] One of our sources is very close to the Treasury and has strong contacts there and is saying…All should start and roll out over a 30 hour period beginning at noon – Eastern time tomorrow [Wednesday]…So noon tomorrow, Wednesday – Is 6pm Thursday is our 30 hour rollout window for what is going to be in affect…a shotgun start… I know Iraq has done their thing. Hopefully, they have done everything that they needed to do…I think it’s ready, We’re ready to go.
1-5-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] If it comes in at $3.22 it’s a re-instatement…Any other rate…$1 or $6 or any other rate…is a re-value.
1-5-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick [via Frank26] The goal of the CBI is for the Iraqi dinar to leave it’s borders and when it leaves its borders …not let it get out of hand. It will have tight bands/restrictions on it of +/- 3%…until the CBI decides we reached our REER (Real Effective Exchange Rate) of the Iraqi dinar. This goal will be monitored/driven by predetermined measures with a predetermined exchange rate established.