Law: Al-Sudani is still a candidate to head the new government
Law: Al-Sudani is still a candidate to head the new government
Information / Baghdad…
A member of the State of Law coalition, Kazem Ali, confirmed today, Friday, that Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani is still a candidate to head the new government, pointing out that the framework should move towards holding the parliament session, especially since there are Kurdish movements and consensus on resolving the presidency.
Ali told Al-Maalouma, “The data confirms that there is consensus within the Kurdish house on a compromise candidate for the presidency, and this portal makes the coordination framework move towards holding the parliament session in order to resolve matters and go to form the government.”
He added that “the name of Muhammad Shia al-Sudani is still on the table among the political parties as a candidate for prime minister for the new government, as the coordination framework, as the largest bloc, is the one who will decide and dialogue with the other parties about forming the government.”
And he indicated that “the coordination framework does not currently have any agreement within it to go towards the Sadrist movement for the sake of consensus or dialogue about the personality that will be presented to the prime minister, especially since the real problem with the movement is not related to the person of Muhammad Shia al-Sawadni.” finished 25