Sadrist protests and judicial decisions flying at dollar exchange rates
Sadrist protests and judicial decisions flying at dollar exchange rates
Information / Baghdad..
The exchange rates of the US dollar rose against the Iraqi dinar on Tuesday, on the main stock exchange in the capital, Baghdad, with security tensions escalating today, after declines in the dollar during the past and current week.
The reporter of the “Information Agency” said that the central stock exchanges of Al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya in Baghdad registered 148,150 Iraqi dinars at 3:00 pm today, compared to 100 US dollars.
While the prices for the day this morning were 147,900 Iraqi dinars, compared to 100 US dollars.
He pointed out that buying and selling prices rose in the local market in Baghdad, where the selling price amounted to 148,750 Iraqi dinars per 100 US dollars, while the purchase prices amounted to 147,750 Iraqi dinars per 100 US dollars.
And the judiciary in Iraq decided, earlier on Tuesday, to suspend its work in the country, following a sit-in by supporters of the Sadrist movement in front of the Supreme Judicial Council, demanding the dissolution of the Iraqi Council of Representatives.
Dozens of Sadrists’ supporters went, earlier this morning, to the Supreme Judicial Council and began erecting the sit-in marquee in front of the council’s building in a new development of escalation that affected the judiciary after the legislative authority in light of a stifling political crisis the country is going through. finished/25h