Al-Kazemi: Failure to pass the budget leads to a delay of about 10 years in providing services in Iraq

Al-Kazemi: Failure to pass the budget leads to a delay of about 10 years in providing services in Iraq

2022-07-03 08:04

Al-Kazemi - Failure to pass the budget leads to a delay of about 10 years in providing services in IraqShafaq News/ Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi complained, on Sunday, that the Iraqi parliament did not approve the financial budget for the current year, at a time when he revealed that the failure to approve the annual budget delays the process of providing services to nearly 10 years.

Al-Kazemi said in a speech during his inauguration of the installed Maysan investment station for the production of electric power, “People are waiting for the government to provide them with services and provide them with job opportunities, and it is unreasonable for the government to remain self-sufficient and unable to achieve, because there is no budget for not forming a government.” “.

He added, “You know the conditions that this government went through, and they were difficult circumstances, and they are two years old, including in 2020, we did not have a budget, and in the following year 2021 the budget was available, and now in 2022 there is no budget, so how can the government work and provide the best without Budget? Every year in which the budget is delayed, it leads to a delay of five to ten years in the provision of services.”