Iraqi bets on a Kurdish consensus that paves the way for resolving the political crisis

Iraqi bets on a Kurdish consensus that paves the way for resolving the political crisis


Iraqi bets on a Kurdish consensus that paves the way for resolving the political crisisIraqi political circles are betting on a consensus between the Kurdistan Democratic Party and the Patriotic Union, to resolve the political crisis in Iraq in light of the current intractability within the Shiite house.

The circles say that the two Kurdish parties have reached an agreement on the presidency of the republic that would pave the way towards reaching a settlement between the parties, however, saying that the talks between the two parties are still in their first stage and therefore it is difficult to predict their outcome, especially since it is not only related to the presidential position, but affects controversial issues. Others, including the legislative elections in the region, the oil and gas files, and financial allocations.

The visit of the President of the Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani to Sulaymaniyah province last month opened the door for the restoration of the Kurdish House, which was greatly affected by the explosive crisis in Iraq about eight months ago.

Masoud Haider: The Iraqi people are angry, and the street could explode at any moment

Barzani announced during that visit, which included meetings with the President of the Patriotic Union, Bafel Talabani, and a number of political leaders influential in the Kurdish scene, that common ground had been reached with the Union to overcome the differences between them.

That visit entailed a meeting between the delegations of the Political Bureau of the Democratic Party and the Patriotic Union, in the presence of the President of the Territory and the President of the National Union, which raised hopes that a compromise could be reached, serving the region and Iraq in general.

The lack of consensus among the Kurds over the presidency is one of the main reasons that led to the current blockage, as the Democratic Party nominated the Regional Minister of Interior Riber Ahmed for the position, in return the National Union nominated President Barham Salih for a second term.

The Democratic Party, with its support for Ripert and its acceptance of the candidate Hoshyar Zebari, had turned against a tacit agreement with the National Union, which stipulates that the presidency of the Republic will belong to the latter.

Political circles believe that any consensus between the two Kurdish parties necessarily requires the Democratic Party to retreat from its position on the ascension of a candidate for the presidency of the republic. Otherwise, it is not expected that any real rapprochement will occur.

The statements of the Democratic Party in recent days were not without conflict. While leaders talk that the party is not very interested in the presidency, other leaders say that the party is still on its position in terms of supporting its candidate.

The circles indicate that these contradictory positions are an attempt to pressure the union to make concessions in the remaining controversial files.

Agreement on a President of the Republic is a mandatory passage to assign a prime minister and form a new government in Iraq

The agreement on the President of the Republic is a mandatory passage for the assignment of a prime minister and the formation of a new government in Iraq.

And the spokesman for the Democratic Party, Masoud Haidar, warned Tuesday of the explosion of the Iraqi street in light of the inability of the political forces to agree on the formation of the government.

Haider said in a press statement, “The ballot boxes are not respected in Iraq, and at the same time the Iraqi people are very angry, and the street may explode at any moment.”

On Tuesday, demonstrators stormed the Iraqi parliament building, and were able to reach the office of the Speaker of the Council, Muhammad al-Halbousi, to demand access to education opportunities in the country.

The storming of the demonstrators coincided with a parliamentary session to discuss the emergency food security support law.