Deputy: We May Witness A New Coalition To Form The Government After The Trio Cracked

Deputy: We May Witness A New Coalition To Form The Government After The Trio Cracked

04/05/2022 | 3:21 PM

Deputy - We May Witness A New Coalition To Form The Government After The Trio CrackedInformation/special

On Tuesday, MP and member of the State of Law coalition, Jawad Al-Ghazali, indicated that there is an intention to withdraw political blocs from the Triple Alliance and go to the framework after two successive sessions failed to pass the President of the Republic.

Al-Ghazali said in a statement to the “Information” agency, that “there are political blocs that will withdraw from the tripartite alliance and head to the coordination framework, especially after they failed twice in a row to pass their project in the parliament,” stressing that “the near future will witness major withdrawals at the level of the tripartite alliance.”

He added, “It is possible that we will witness the formation of a new alliance in the next few period due to the change that the political process will witness.”

He pointed out that “the political blockage is not in the interest of the citizen or the state, and the doors of dialogue must be opened wide to proceed with the formation of the government and to get out of the blockage.”

The House of Representatives had held its session for the second time, after the guarantor third boycotted the session again, which led to adjourning the presidency of the session to further notice.