Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-3-2022

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 4-3-2022

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions4-3-2022 Newshound Guru Militiaman Now that we are at the political crossroad with the GOI…Lets see if that red light of the politics gets sorted while we wait for that green light of the next IQD exchange rate to go live. There comes a time where the system will require the CBI to make an independent move and inter connect with the region and the world, and that move imo may precede the politics if need be. We shall see though. They didn’t get this far to stop the bus, they have it fueled and fully tuned and ready to rill imo.. Time is short from view point.

4-3-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I am still being told that the expectation is full blown numbers for us between the 4th and the 6th…possibly starting as early as Sunday Night…that is what I am still hearing.

4-2-2022 Intel Guru MilitiaMan Article “Parliamentary proposal to speed up the approval of the budget” I am liking this one. It is implying there is urgency and a need to see the budget through. The political stalemate is not helping anyone or anything. There has been passed precedent for the budget to be sorted now and that later if need be the budget can be amended. There should be no big problem. So, lets see if there is a budget submitted prior too the 04/06/2022 time frame for the Presidency. Sure will be in interesting time for all to come together.

4-2-2022 Newshound Guru Pimpy Things that influence the exchange rate of the currency, whether or not you have a stable government is one of them. As you can clearly see they can’t even get one established. That’s not good at all. You’re not going to see any type of exchange rate change happen until the government is put into place, they start doing their job, they start increasing the private sector getting people back to work…all these things play a factor in the exchange rate process and value – Not just ‘oh they got a lot of oil.’ It doesn’t work that way…

4-2-2022 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Central Bank of Iraq monetary policy is in cooperation with the IMF. It’s strategic, in scientific and nothing is random or arbitrary. Only with the success and growth of Iraq ‘s economy can the dinar go up in value.

4-2-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] […Is there any way this Rv or redemption will not occur?] No…we will get it sooner or later…the problem is we do not know the timing…It is only a matter of time. We believe it will be any day now. It is inevitable…

4-2-2022 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “Parliamentary proposal to speed up the approval of the budget” Quote: “proposed a solution to expedite the approval of the general budget 2022.” THAT IS VERY INTERESTING! WE SHALL SEE HOW THEY GET IT DONE… BUT DON’T LOOSE SIGHT OF THE END…NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT’S COMING! IMO

4-2-2022 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “Iraq MPs fail for third time to elect new president” Right here it says ‘Iraqis federal courts have given legislators until April 6 to choose a new president.’ I don’t know what kind of authority the courts are going to have over the government but it’s going to be interesting to see if they get this accomplished… Quote: “…if the deadlines were missed we could reach a point where new elections are decided to break the deadlock.” I’m wondering if they have ability or the cojones to go ahead and pull this off, to go ahead and dissolve the parliament and start new elections.

4-2-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [Ramadan starts tonight [Friday] …will that affect our RV?] I don’t expect it to affect the RV in any way…
I was told many years ago to expect the RV during Ramadan. To let people really take advantage of the holiday and more purchasing power. So I like that its Ramadan….Some feel it’s the most likely time to expect an RV in Iraq.

4-2-2022 Intel Guru Fleming …The CBI are ready, willing and able to launch the new (restored) golden dinar. This is set and must happen in short order. Timing is being coordinated and rehearsed like a well-tuned orchestra…