Law: The Abu Ragheef Committee Is The Last Straw That Broke Al-Kazemi’s Fortunes For A Second Term
Law: The Abu Ragheef Committee Is The Last Straw That Broke Al-Kazemi’s Fortunes For A Second Term
03/07/2022 | 11:14 AM
Information / Baghdad.
The State of Law coalition said, on Monday, that the Federal Court’s decision that the “Abu Ragheef Committee” was unconstitutional was the straw that broke the chances of the caretaker Prime Minister Al-Kazemi winning a second term.
And the leader of the coalition, Jassem Muhammad Al-Bayati, said in a statement to “Information”, that “the choice of Al-Kazemi as prime minister was due to difficult political circumstances after Abdul-Mahdi’s resignation under popular pressure, but his choice was on conditions and determinants, most notably holding early elections.”
He added, “Al-Kazemi exceeded all the conditions on the basis of which the selection was made and committed many constitutional violations, including the issue of sending a request to the Presidency of the Republic to issue a special pardon for the drug dealer, the son of the governor of Najaf, who was smuggled out of the country, as well as the formation of the notorious Abu Ragheef Committee through which he wanted to undermine and targeting major political forces.
Al-Bayati indicated that “the Federal Court’s decision of the unconstitutionality of the Abu Ragheef Committee and the case of the son of the governor of Najaf was the straw that broke Al-Kazemi’s chances of winning a second term after he was the most prominent of the three candidates for the position of prime minister.” Ended / 25 AD