Official: 8,000 people are on death row in an Iraqi prison, the cost of one person is $10 per day

Official: 8,000 people are on death row in an Iraqi prison, the cost of one person is $10 per day

2022-01-21 07:37

Official - 8000 people are on death row in an Iraqi prison the cost of one person is 10 per dayShafaq News/ On Friday, a government official revealed the number of members and leaders of al-Qaeda and ISIS sentenced to death in al-Hout prison in southern Iraq, following a bloody attack carried out by ISIS members on an Iraqi army headquarters in Diyala.

This also coincides with the escape of a number of ISIS detainees from a prison in northeastern Syria, which prompted the Iraqi authorities to tighten security measures at the borders, for fear of the escapees infiltrating Iraqi territory.

The official, who asked not to be named, told Shafak News Agency, “Today, more than 8,000 people from al-Qaeda and ISIS are languishing in al-Hout prison in southern Iraq, and they are sentenced to death, and those sentences have not been implemented against them so far, despite the fact that most of them were issued about four years ago.” Years”.

And he indicated that “one detainee costs the Iraqi state at least 10 dollars a day.”

According to the Iraqi Ministry of Justice, death sentences need a period of time ranging from 3 to 5 years for implementation; The ruling goes through a series of procedures until it reaches the President of the Republic, who forms judicial committees that work on re-evaluating the case and the trial.

Executing death sentences according to the constitution requires the approval of the President of the Republic in order for them to acquire legal status, provided that the Ministry of Justice undertakes their implementation after receiving special decrees from the presidency.

The authorities reinstated the implementation of the death penalty in 2004, after it was suspended, during the period following the entry of US forces into Iraq in the spring of 2003, which sparked criticism from organizations opposed to this punishment.

Iraq detained tens of thousands of ISIS militants during the battles between the two sides between 2014 and 2017.

ISIS and Al-Qaeda members are being tried under Article 4 of the Anti-Terrorism Law, which stipulates “the death sentence for anyone who committed as a principal or accomplice in terrorist acts, and the instigator, planner, financier, and anyone who enabled the terrorists to commit the crime as the original perpetrator shall be punished.”

Iraq is one of the countries that carry out the most death sentences; It ranked fourth, after China, Iran and Egypt, in order, as the highest country to implement the punishment in 2020, according to a report by Amnesty International (non-governmental).