The Federation will not cancel the results..and a “disclosure” meeting between the framework and the chest bloc

The Federation will not cancel the results..and a “disclosure” meeting between the framework and the chest bloc

2021-12-21 07:34

The Federation will not cancel the results..and a disclosure meeting between the framework and the chest blocShafaq News/ A source in the coordination framework of the Shiite forces revealed on Monday that an “important” meeting will be held between the framework forces and the Sadrist bloc, after the Federal Court announced its final decision regarding the appeals submitted by the forces rejecting the results.

The court is scheduled to hear the appeals next Wednesday.

The special source told Shafak News Agency, “The information received from the Federal Court indicates that the last session will be decisive towards deciding on the appeals, as it will not cancel the election results, as there is no political agreement to cancel it.”

He explained that “the session may reveal the decision to re-count and comprehensive manual sorting for some provinces, namely Baghdad, Babil, Najaf, Salah al-Din, and Nineveh, and Dhi Qar province may join them, and the latter may be 25 percent.”

The source added that “the forces of the coordination framework will meet with the Sadrist bloc after the announcement of the court’s decision, as the positive messages exchanged between the framework and al-Sadr call for holding a revealing meeting in addition to agreeing on the general lines to form a simple majority that paves the way for the formation of the government according to the principles of the majority.”

He pointed out that “more than one scenario is proposed for negotiation or discussion between the framework and the Sadrist bloc, including the merger into one bloc, the alliance with the Sunni House and the Kurdish forces, and the formation of an expanded majority government that may have a longer life than all previous governments, as it will be launched from unified visions and a comprehensive national service program that meets The aspirations of the stage and the Iraqi street.

And he added, “Or it is possible to go to form a consensual government that is subject to the moods of the forces controlling the political scene, and it would almost be the least fortunate scenario, given that everyone was certain that consociationalism did not achieve the aspirations of the Iraqis.”

He added, “The coming days will witness many accelerated events that will pave the way for a new phase that will be protected by national legal frameworks and agreements, not partisan.”

The forces of the coordination framework oppose the election results, claiming that they are fraudulent, and file a complaint with the Federal Court to cancel it.

The Sadrist bloc topped the election results with 73 seats, and is seeking to form a majority government unlike the previous governments that were formed by consensus among all the winners, which the framework objects to and seeks to find a foothold in the new formation.