The Federal Court is in the process of issuing a decision to conduct a new manual count of electoral stations

The Federal Court is in the process of issuing a decision to conduct a new manual count of electoral stations

2021-12-17 03:53

The Federal Court is in the process of issuing a decision to conduct a new manual count of electoral stationsShafaq News / An informed source said, on Friday, that the Federal Court may issue a decision to re-count the manual counting of all electoral stations in four Iraqi governorates, including the capital, Baghdad.

The source told Shafaq News Agency, “The Federal Court may issue a decision to re-count all polling stations and stations for the governorates of Baghdad, Babil, Salah al-Din and Nineveh, as they recorded high rates of electoral violations, according to reports of international observers, as well as observers of political and party entities.”

He added that “if that decision is issued, it will change the results of the elections in those provinces, albeit slightly.”

The same source confirmed to Shafaq News Agency, “The court may proceed with issuing a decision to re-count the comprehensive manual of all electoral centers for all governorates at a rate of 20%.

The Federal Court, in its meeting held last Thursday, announced the postponement of deciding on the election results until the completion of the examination of all the appeals submitted to the court.

It is noteworthy that the Al-Fateh Alliance led by Hadi Al-Amiri had submitted appeals with some documents challenging the integrity of the elections to the Federal Court for consideration, followed by former Prime Minister Iyad Allawi, who submitted a number of appeals documented with evidence, according to his claim.