Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-16-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-16-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions12-16-2021 Newshound Guru Breitling Question: “How do you feel about the articles where they say they’re almost done paying Kuwait and The IMF giving them another good report. How do you feel about that?” It gets us very very close.

12-16-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 Wouldn’t it be amazing if they showed them the new small category notes? But first they have to explain to them the new small category notes. They have to explain to the exchange rate changing. Think about it. You barely have an education of maybe 1st grade/2nd grade and they hand you something brand new. A new currency and you’re supposed to understand and go about your business? Of course not silly rabbit. That’s why the education is so important. Why? Because it must not fail with the citizens of Iraq.

12-15-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [does it still look good for an RV before Christmas?] It still looks good…On the Iraqi front because many people are freaking out…seeing articles and videos that Iraq has made final reparations to Kuwait. Also that they will have final election results by the 22nd. So to me anytime between now and then is fair game…it could happen any day of the week…Any time of the day… I know they are pushing hard to get it done…We are at a “moment to moment” for it to happen.

12-15-2021 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Fitch the credit agency stated in the media today they expect Iraq ‘s economic growth to go up by over 8.1% in 2022. This is so significant.

12-15-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “The Central Bank: The Cash reserve increased to 62 Billion dollar” Quote “…which makes it able to influence exchange rates and to prove a comfortably sable economic environment.” If we were to translate that into simple English all it says is we’re raising the value of our currency and we’re bringing out a new currency to match that value. This is great news! This is what we wanted to hear. It’s no secret. Everybody know Iraq is lifting the value of its currency and going through the process. No body knows when but it looks like it’s pretty darn close…

12-15-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy Man there sure is a lot of talk about exchange rate changes…you can tell they’re really looking into a serious rate change. They have studies going on and I know it says a study at 1200 dinars but really do you have to put together a whole entire committee just to check out 1200 dinars? For the past couple months in the news religiously have been talk about the exchange rate. Will something happen in 2021? It’s possible.

12-15-2021 Intel Guru BobTheTaxMan …Taxes…it’s the biggest hole in your financial ship. Let’s just say if you just got a little bit of IQD…make sure that you’re going to be lessening your immediate taxes. Only cash in enough to meet what your goals are…It’s all going to be dependent upon what the value is going to be. You want to reduce those income and capital gains taxes. A suggestion might be if one of your goals was to buy a house…

12-15-2021 Intel Guru BobTheTaxMan …instead of cashing in all that IQD and then paying that 40% taxation (not counting what the state’s going to assess)…cash in a smaller amount, enough for a down payment and then borrow the money on that house. You’re further ahead in the long run to do it that way than to expose yourself to an immediate huge tax bill. On the day you do this, pay your taxes – federal and state. Get them out of the way because they will assess interest and penalties if you don’t pay in a timely manner.

12-15-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] What I am hearing is that everyone is in place …people are sitting where they are supposed to sit. We have more whales arrived as they prepare to process in 4a…we are getting a little bit closer every day…

12-15-2021 Intel Guru Holly They are continuing to bring in people from T4a and they are being processed. T4a is a test group to test the redemption centers. All is going through without a glitch. It’s not long before they release this to all. This is the best news this is happening and getting to our level.

12-15-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “The governor of the Central Bank of Iraq meets the UAE Minister of Tolerance and Coexistence, Commissioner-General of Expo 2020″ These CBI satellite banks are all over the world.

12-15-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy I don’t think there’s going to be any RI or RV called by this weekend. I know you guys are being told that. I could be wrong. We’ll see. But if that’s the case, we know know that the United Nations has to go ahead and fully pull Iraq out of Chapter 7. They could do it all at one time that’s always possible…there’s no indication that the rate is going to change by this weekend…there’s no evidence or proof out there. Having said that, that doesn’t mean it’s not going to happen, it’s just not going to happen by this weekend…But it obviously does look like they’re attempting to do something very shortly with the Iraq dinar…

12-15-2021 Intel Guru Holly …I am hearing we are in the window for this week. However, I don’t want people to get so disappointed if I does not happen…With that being said, yes the news is great and positive but remember it could be delayed for reasons we are not privy to. I’m not saying it will but have realistic expectations that it could be now, or by the end of the month or into January…We are in a sweet spot we have never been in for this to go. From all I hear it’s happening but again I caution you to be prepared if it doesn’t…Stay positive…

12-14-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …in Kuwait on the morning they revalued they ran a similar article on how they simply were not prepared. In China they did their last major revaluation in the 90’s. They came out with huge articles for 3 days that they were not going to revalue their currency…then they did it. To me that Iraq article is a classic misdirection coming from the central bank. They have been very busy educating the Iraqi people on the lower denominations and rate changes…and now they come out with an “international” story like this. …I think this is a fantastic piece for us to see. We expected to see this news as soon as it was ready to rip…IMO…They are setting up this week to have the event that we have been waiting for …I’m pretty stinkin excited right now.