Legal: Cancellation Of The Elections Reconvenes Parliament And Ends The Status Of The Caretaker Government

Legal: Cancellation Of The Elections Reconvenes Parliament And Ends The Status Of The Caretaker Government

12/15/2021 | 9:46 AM

Legal - Cancellation Of The Elections Reconvenes Parliament And Ends The Status Of The Caretaker GovernmentInformation / Baghdad…

Legal expert Ali Al-Tamimi explained, on Wednesday, that canceling the elections will return Parliament to its work and sessions again, as well as end the caretaker status of the government, ruling out that the court will go to the option of canceling the elections.
Al-Tamimi told Al-Maalouma, “If the Federal Court decides to cancel the elections, it is not possible to hold them again, because they are exceptional elections in accordance with Article 64 of the Constitution, as Parliament was dissolved on October 7 last, provided that the elections take place on the tenth of the same month. “.
He added that “cancelling the elections removes with it the condition of dissolving Parliament and is not fulfilled, and accordingly the President of the Republic issues a decree retracting the setting of the date and the Parliament feels that the elections have been canceled in order for the House of Representatives to return to meeting again, for the purpose of issuing a decision not to dissolve itself so that the time for holding the elections remains at their scheduled date each 4 years”.
And he indicated that “the court is likely not to go to cancel the elections, but if it happens, Parliament will return again to hold its sessions,” noting that “the government returns with full powers and the concept of conducting daily business ends.” finished/ 25 n