The depreciation of the dinar is one of the reasons.. Iraq has the fifth highest inflation rate in the Arab world

The depreciation of the dinar is one of the reasons.. Iraq has the fifth highest inflation rate in the Arab world

2021-12-13 07:27

The depreciation of the dinar is one of the reasons.. Iraq has the fifth highest inflation rate in the Arab worldShafaq News/ Iraq ranked fifth with the highest inflation rates in the Arab world, according to Forbes Middle East magazine.

The magazine said in a report seen by Shafak News Agency; “Sudan ranked first with the highest average inflation rates in the Arab countries for the year 2021, at 194.6%, compared to 163.3% during 2020, after the value of the Sudanese pound fell against the US dollar since the beginning of the year by 695%.”

She added that Yemen ranked second in terms of the highest Arab inflation rates this year at 40.7% compared to 23.1% in the year of Covid-19, followed by Libya with 21.1% in 2021 from only 2.8% during the past year, and then the fourth Arab countries with an average annual inflation of 6.5% In 2021, compared to 2.4% last year.

She pointed out that “Iraq ranked fifth in the ranking of the highest inflation rates in the Arab countries, where inflation will rise to 6.4% this year 2021 from 0.6% in 2020, while inflation for 2022 will decrease to 4.5%,” noting that “the rise in inflation in Iraq The recovery of domestic demand in Iraq and the devaluation of the currency resulted in inflationary pressures in the country, although the past eight years witnessed stabilization of inflation from low levels due to the decline in import prices and weak demand.

However, the statistics of the Central Bank of Iraq show that the Iraqi dinar fell 23.6% against the dollar, which was exchanged last month at a price of 1480.8 dinars, compared to 1198.4 dinars in March 2020, that is, with the outbreak of the epidemic in the region, and the inflation rate in Iraq rose by 6.8% in the month of October. Last October, according to the Ministry of Planning.

She explained that “the IMF expects Sudan, Yemen, Libya and Algeria to remain in the first four places in terms of the average annual inflation rate for 2022 at 41.8%, 31.5%, 8% and 7.7%, respectively, while Tunisia may displace Iraq from the fifth place, where inflation will reach In Tunisia, it will reach 6.4% next year, while Iraq will record 4.5%.

Tunisia, whose average annual inflation rate will rise to 5.7% this year from 5.6% last year, is in sixth place, ahead of Egypt, which comes in seventh place, where the average inflation rate for the fiscal year 2020/2021 will reach 4.5% from 5.7% in 2019/2020. .

While inflation in Kuwait will rise to 3.2% this year from 2.1% last year, the average inflation in Saudi Arabia will decline this year to 3.2% from 3.4% last year, provided that it approaches the acceptable limits at 2.2% next year, and the Sultanate of Oman ranks tenth With inflation reaching 3% this year, it is expected to decline to 2.7% in 2022.

The average inflation rate in the rest of the Arab countries will be less than 2% this year, noting that international monetary institutions such as the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank consider the acceptable level of inflation to be 2% or slightly less.