Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-10-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-10-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions12-10-2021 Intel Guru Fleming The latest word from Iraq is that their in-country rate for the Iraq Dinar will be RV’d this coming Sunday Night, December 12, 2021. The new IQD value, in-country, is going to be 4.81. The international FOREX Rate will start at $11.90 and float from there. We were under the assumption that this would be handled by today, and this is now explained. The IMF has been the problem with the delay of the IQD RV. Iraq has their agenda though and the IMF have agreed to the new plan.

12-10-2021 Intel Guru BobTheTaxMan What is a taxable event? Without tax planning these taxable events can completely rob you of your financial security. If you end up losing 40% to 50% of your gain you know you just shot a great big hole in your financial boat..It’s not necessary at all…Here’s the scenario – …The announcement has been made. You run to the bank and you exchange [Your IQD] right there. You get it in dollars and you get it immediately. What that does because it went…from the bank to your hand, that was a taxable event. Therefore you’re exposed it to ordinary income taxes – the highest rates possible… [NOTE: Consult your tax professionals at the appropriate time to determine the correct tax for your unique exchange strategy]

12-9-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] The regular payments to Kuwait have stopped. That is a very important piece. “The Central Bank of Iraq has announced that it has terminated all necessary banking arrangements with the US Federal Reserve to stop the automated deduction of Kuwait’s compensation.” This is huge news. This is one thing that was necessary for Iraq to join the international world. To ascend to the World Trade organization and to freely trade with an international currency. That this came out today is huge!!! …This was the best news today.

12-9-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 IMO the education of the monetary reform to the Iraqi citizens is very close to completion…The completion of their education in 2021 is only for them to start in 2022 with a new value with purchasing power to their currency and with an explosion of their economic reform because their monetary reform was so successful…

12-9-2021 Intel Guru Holly We are in an “any moment, any day” scenario. Most say before Christmas. A few say by the end of the month and if all not done we go into January.

12-9-2021 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram Article: “Central Bank of Iraq governor meets Turkish counterpart” The governors reported that aim of the meeting was to develop banking relations between the two countries including opening of branches of Iraqi banks in Turkey…This is very good news, however this is even better news! Article: “Central Bank governor welcomes opening of branches of British banks inside Iraq”

12-9-2021 Newshound Guru Militiaman The [Central Bank of Iraq] satellite banks are getting geared here in the Untied States. Obviously they’re not the only one – into the equation would be the World Trade Organization probably getting ready to be openly exposed.

12-9-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground TV update] FIREFLY: The CBI governor is on the news with the British Banking leader. He’s saying Iraq has allowed the British banks to open inside of Iraq to help facilitate trade between the two countries. Then the CBI governor said this new bank from Britain is just one example of many opening up across our border and the fact that we now have taxes that we collect and that we now have customs that we collect because all of this was needed for the white papers and the economic reform…the Finance Minister is on the news…he says that Iraq needs to review the exchange rate in early 2022 in order to make the white papers reach the maximum effectiveness. FRANK26: All of these things they’re telling is just to prepare you for your new exchange rate and your new small category notes…

12-9-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [Is this a good weekend for it?] Based on what I am hearing –chatter wise- Absolutely!!! Redemption Center folks are still planning on working this weekend…As I understand it they are already done with the training, and education and the current change in plans…the expectation is they will be doing actual exchanges. …I feel pretty good…

12-9-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy Rumors, upon rumors, upon rumors, upon rumors…once again I got a round of people sending me links to videos and..articles…talking about the rate change has happened in country. No it has not. The other one was Iraq settled their debt with Kuwait with the new rate. No they didn’t…when it happens for one it happens for all at the same time…how often were the [rumors] ever right about the date and the rate change? Zero. It’s gonna happen. I know a lot of these people were promising you by this time…by that time and it hasn’t happened…

12-9-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy …no rate change has happened. There is no in-country rate vs out-of-country rate. It’s the same rate. There is no government [Kuwait] getting paid off with a different rate. No, it’s the same rate. That doesn’t make any sense. I hate to be the boogeyman all the time when it comes to news like this but you guys ask me what do you think so I’m telling you…there’s nothing there. It’s just gibberish. There’s no proof in there. ‘Inside sources’ are starting to sound like CNN

12-9-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat The IMF has told us going way back to 2011 that their plan is to peg the IQD in a basket of 5 other currencies and float it on the international exchanges. This makes all the difference as to how the CBI can suddenly revalue it so much…This is real and going to happen. It has to happen.

12-9-2021 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] I’ll tell you we’re seeing this come to pass now… I know that redemption centers were staffed today…I believe we are in position to take advantage of this from this point on…We are in an any minute now time frame…I believe the plan is for this to go – and to not have to wait later – not after Christmas – not by the 15th but I believe we’re actually ready to go!! …We know it is already done in Iraq – we know they are declared a sovereign nation – we know they have a new rate in country and throughout the region of the Middle East…