Demonstrations Committee: Al-Sistani Refused To Meet With Plasschaert And Did Not Renew The Presidency

Demonstrations Committee: Al-Sistani Refused To Meet With Plasschaert And Did Not Renew The Presidency

12/10/2021 | 4:54 PM

Demonstrations Committee - Al-Sistani Refused To Meet With Plasschaert And Did Not Renew The PresidencyInformation/Baghdad.

The Organizing Committee for Demonstrations and Sit-ins Rejecting the Election Results stated, on Friday, that the supreme authority of the Shiites in Iraq, represented by Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, refused to meet with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Iraq Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert during his recent visit to the city of Najaf, usually not renewing the three presidencies in the country. A fundamental and unquestionable demand.”

The committee said in a statement received by the “information”, that “the supreme religious authority’s refusal to meet the notorious international representative Plasschaert of evil and forgery is not a strange position. and community activities by boycotting them and refusing to meet with them, as is the case with the supreme rational reference.”

And she added, “The terrorist attacks, which have escalated in intensity in recent times, predict malicious hands trying to shuffle the cards in order to point the finger of accusation towards certain parties objecting to the election results. He reveals the perpetrators and presents them before the judiciary so that the Iraqi people know the truth about the perpetrators, and we urge our security forces and our holy mobilization to redouble efforts to demolish the fortifications of terrorism and extinguish the flame that the occupation is trying to inflate again.”

The statement continued by saying that “the three presidencies are nothing but poisonous circles lurking around our people, trying to hijack their future, constants and cultures, so the lack of renewal for them has become a fundamental and unavoidable demand.”

The committee concluded its statement by saying: We affirm that maintaining the peacefulness of demonstrations and sit-ins is the elixir of success that shakes the thrones of counterfeiters.