Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-21-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-21-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions11-21-2021 Intel Guru Holly …The news from every direction is overwhelming, this is ready to bust open!…

11-21-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru RVAlready [Can someone please tell me if all denominations of dong will be accepted thanks] Dong is a publicly traded currency. So, I am pretty sure they have to take all denominations.

11-21-2021 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] I know we’re going to see a lot of rates change on any remaining sellers – some currencies will just be removed to keep from being sold – they will be gone – will not exist anymore – because the rates would be way too high to buy into them as you could imagine…

11-20-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] We do have redemption center folks that are in and manning areas today. Whether they are training or waiting for us to call…I don’t know, but they are indeed in place today. At least my contacts on the east coast…Iraq is quiet this morning with great expectations for Sunday or Monday.

11-20-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “World Bank: Iraq’s Economic Growth is Gradually Recovering” That’s good for us – for those of us who hold on to the dinar that’s what you want to hear. You want to see recovery in the economy…strong economy means a strong dinar. Strong dinar means a better exchange rate.

11-20-2021 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] we heard out of Iraq that they have 2 sets of ATM machines – they have the older machines and they have brand new machines installed – The new machines have the new lower denominations notes – The IQN refers to the new Iraqi Dinar Notes …so they have their new notes – their new currency in those ATM’s loaded but they have not been turned on yet…What we understand is the new currency in Iraq – new ATM’s will be turned on Monday morning Iraq time…It means that revalued dinar will have been made available to them with their new currency in Iraq starting Sunday – That means that their rate for their dinar in their country and their international rate should be out and useable internationally – we believe starting Sunday…

11-20-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 [Firefly boots-on-the-ground Iraqi TV update] FIREFLY: Allawi – the guy you told us to pay attention to is talking about our exchange rate. He just told us on TV that our exchange rate should have been changed years ago. He said it needs to float…and then he described how a float is based on supply and demand verses a fixed rate that is backed by gold. He says we also need the lower notes out…he talked about how Iraq already had digitally fixed the lower note issue – just need the lower notes on streets. FRANK: The Finance Minister comes out and tells the Iraqi citizens, ‘We need a new exchange rate. We need a new currency.

11-20-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 [Firefly boots-on-the-ground Iraqi TV update] FRANK CONT: In fact you guys are loosing money and the reason why is because they don’t have enough change to pay you back, you don’t have the currency for it. The new exchange rate is going to be calculated on a different denomination – these are lower notes.’ We call them small category notes. Same thing. Wow! FIREFLY: Then Kazemi comes out and he is also saying to us there is a new exchange rate. And he says to us an exchange rate change would be for the Iraq citizens – for the people of Iraq – not for the government. FRANK: …Mustafa will talk to you in two days.

11-20-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I am…being told from redemption contacts that they are indeed planning on working this weekend. If not working they will for sure be on call over the weekend as they prep…they also went through some updated training this week…i just found that out…So, pretty positive stuff coming from redemption center contacts. They were even told to expect to work over the Thanksgiving holiday. With possibly the only day off is Thanksgiving…and they will not even guarantee that one off. Buckle up. At this point I do not think it matters that there is a Thanksgiving holiday this week in the United States. Keep in mind that we are just one country in the world…not oven the biggest…This to me is great news…

11-20-2021 Intel Guru RayRen98 Dinar sales have stopped at all currency exchange locations at the United Arabic Emirates International Airport in the Middle East!