Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-9-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-9-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions11-9-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 I’ve got no choice but to continue to tell you that the CBI is telling the citizens of Iraq that they’re going to raise the value and give them a new exchange rate because they ain’t telling them anything else. Today there was a bit of a little time out IMO – Kazemi makes a phone call, ‘Hey CBI back off from the television because I want to use the television today. I want to make sure that the people understand that I am in charge. That I am the Prime Minister. That I am their leader. That I am in control of the government and the central bank. I am in control of everything and another thing I know who did it…’ [Tried to assassinate Kazemi]

11-9-2021 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Transportation: anchorage of three tankers and a container ship in the southern port of Umm Qasr” More ships in an out mean they are trading, but, are they now starting to clear the trades digitially. The AMF has a report out…that shows Iraq in the graphs regarding blockchain… The fact that Iraq is included shows progress that the region is about to be or is on a level playing field.

11-9-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …Yes, the Central Bank just told us once again they want to go back to the “glory days” of the dinar. If you query the Quantum Financial System (QFS) you will see a rate way over $4.00 and closer to $5 for the Iraqi dinar now calculated in place. Will it actually come out at this rate? This is pure speculation as they could recalculate and have been doing so often. But we can see that the rate should increase much higher than the pre-1991 gulf war. They have been running tests on the system since 2012 and it is the goal of the IMF to soon use the QFS and roll out these news rates to balance to a “level playing field” of currency rates, as the U.S. president Donald Trump alluded to in a speech while in office…

11-9-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I am telling you everything that is safe to share. I can tell you there is a mad dash to have us all rolling before the end of the month. There is so much going on right now. So much I wish I could tell you- but, I can’t. We are in a great window.

11-8-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] News is really good…just kind of at a loss to what I can and cannot share…I was given some information I cannot share that makes me feel very confident… we may get the news this evening we have been waiting for…I have been told Iraq was moving forward today doing “tests” in key areas with lower denominations in ATM’s. This is exciting guys. A lot is coming together. Hopefully we will have phenominal news by tomorrow… I am hoping and praying.

11-8-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 You may say, ‘Oh…as soon as Kuwait is paid off we’re going to see the monetary reform of the Iraqi dinar.’ I would say to you, no. You don’t need to pay off Kuwait in order lift the value of your currency. You need to pay Kuwait in order to be lifted from the sanctions and those sanctions are a tangibility of why they haven’t raised the value of their currency. Even though they are not directly related…they certainly are indirectly related…all that is being done to allow Iraq to lift the value of their currency is before us and it is just extremely exciting…

11-8-2021 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram Article: “Iraq pays $490 million in war reparations to Kuwait” Iraq has lived up to its obligations and paid Kuwait over 490 million in war reparations…

11-8-2021 Intel Guru Holly …right now it’s better to still remain quiet…I’m hearing positive news and that is all I will say as to not disrupt the process.

11-8-2021 Newshound Guru Kaperoni …The IMF clearly stated in the Article IV Consultation from 2013 with Iraq that…”staff encouraged the authorities to consider creating the conditions which would make possible a move to a more flexible exchange rate policy…Such flexibility could allow a predictable and gradual appreciation of the nominal exchange rate,…”

11-8-2021 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Floating the dinar would give the CBI a mechanism to allow the currency to gradually appreciate to counter inflationary pressure created by investment and growth in the economy. It also would give them a mechanism to remove the dinar gradually from circulation as the dinar appreciates in value. This IMO is the only way I can see them significantly reducing the money supply. The alternative is a re-denomination (LOP).

11-8-2021 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Though none of us want to see them re-denominate/LOP, it must be known there are various colleges in Iraq hosting seminar / symposiums on the subject. So as dinar investors we should all be aware a re-denomination / LOP is a real possibility. What that means is the IMF is encouraging Iraq to float the dinar. Not RV the dinar.

11-8-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] A number of key people including the Iraqi Prime minister were targeted last weekend. IMO this is the last ditch effort to derail everything…because things are all coming together.

11-8-2021 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Al-Kazemi receives Al-Abadi and confirms: We are proceeding with the reform project” Enough said…Show time…The looks of it is per the PM is that we are proceeding with the reform project…In other, words, thank you for all of your GLOBAL SUPPORT!! Be rest assured your investments in Iraq are safe, stable and secure and we are moving forward with the reform project…imo.

11-8-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 They have over 60 billion in gold reserves. That’s not even…the USDs. The revaluation of the Iraqi currency has so much potential. It’s insane the potential that Iraq has. The reserves that they have and the gold that they have it’ll cover the new exchange rate with no problem whatsoever. They are primed. They are ready. They’re teaching the Iraqi citizens this is what is about to come out to you. It’s no secret…no doubt about it is extremely exciting…

11-8-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [Rates on the dong?] I am still hearing our rates will be around $2.25- $2.50…. I hear it will be a fixed rate but we have seen bank screens where the rates vary greatly. We have seen rates go to $4 and up to $7 or $8 on bank screens. Most of my bankers believe it will be in the low $2 range when we go in.

11-7-2021 Intel Guru Wolverine Received incredible news my friends. Things are on progress everyone. This is the week that we have been waiting for… for so long my friends.

11-7-2021 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: “UNAMI strongly cones assassination attempt on Iraqi Prime Minister” Apparently there was an attempted drone strike assassination on current Iraqi Prime Minister Kadhimi.

11-7-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 Literally every day the government of Iraq and the Central Bank of Iraq are talking to the citizens…So much is happening at such a fast pace. The governor of the Central Bank of Iraq is the one that’s coming out and talking like crazy…They are on a massive campaign to tell the Iraqi citizens what’s going on…