An American company exports military trucks to Iraq at a value of 200 thousand dollars per truck

An American company exports military trucks to Iraq at a value of 200 thousand dollars per truck

Saturday October 2, 2021 | 09:17 AM

An American company exports military trucks to Iraq at a value of 200 thousand dollars per truckThe American Oshkosh Truck Company has won a contract worth 16 million dollars to export tactical trucks and heavy military transport trucks to Iraq, Lebanon and Malaysia .

A report by the US Defense News website, which specializes in military affairs, stated that “there are two types of trucks, one for heavy loads with a capacity of 11 tons, and the type tanker capable of transporting 2500 gallons of fuel and transferring to the tank with a capacity of 75 tons as a maximum, as it is hoped that the deal will be completed on January 31, 2022 as part of from the US Department of Defense’s Foreign Military Sales program .

“The trucks destined for the country will serve as additional transportation capabilities for services,” said retired brigadier general and military expert Adnan al-Kinani. It is unclear how many vehicles the state will receive .

He added, “The Directorate of Supply and Transport has 250 heavy transport trucks, including Russian trucks and others from France,” noting that “these trucks will transport heavy armored vehicles within the country’s borders to operate and conduct maneuvers in places 300 to 400 kilometers away, including the border. ” .

The report indicated that “the number of trucks that will be delivered to the three countries will amount to 80 heavy trucks, with an approximate value of $200,000 each, while the remaining amounts include operational maintenance costs.”