Maliki’s coalition threatens to bring down the government in response to its recent measures!

Maliki’s coalition threatens to bring down the government in response to its recent measures!

Wednesday 31 March 2021 | 10:46 a.m.

Malikis coalition threatens to bring down the government in response to its recent measuresThe State of Law coalition headed by Nuri al-Maliki waved the dissolution of the current government due to the recent economic measures that had harmed the poor, while revealing that the Ministry of Trade had distributed “rotten food” within the last ration .

The head of the Parliamentary Bloc of the Coalition, Adnan Al-Asadi, said that “the increase in the dollar exchange rate greatly harmed the poor and contributed to raising the poverty rate,” noting that “Al-Muthanna Governorate recorded a poverty rate of 52 %.”

Al-Asadi added, “We will boycott the voting session on the general budget law if the exchange rate remains unchanged,” stressing, “standing by the poor even if we dissolve the government .”

On the other hand, Al-Asadi revealed that “the Ministry of Trade distributed food (rotten) within the ration during the current month.