New job ranks in the budget .. The Finance Committee: its obstacles are political, not technical
New job ranks in the budget .. The Finance Committee: its obstacles are political, not technical
3/18/2021 14:44
The Parliamentary Finance Committee described, on Thursday, the budgetary obstacles more “political” than technical, while it revealed the addition of functional degrees in the budget.
Committee reporter Ahmed Al-Saffar said, according to the official agency, that “investment is delayed, unemployment increases and continues, and poverty increases daily and there are other social effects as well. It is assumed that there will be a movement as soon as possible to set a session to vote on the budget,” indicating that “the issue of the budget has become political.” More than a financial and economic issue. ”
Al-Saffar added, “There is an existing governmental text, which is the result of the many delegations and meetings regarding the budget between the regional government and the federal government, represented by the Ministry of Oil, the Ministry of Finance, the representative of SOMO and the Federal Office of Financial Supervision, but there is political pressure on the budget regarding the share of the Kurds.”
He added that “the budget was delayed not because of the Kurds, but because of the provincial shares,” pointing out that “what remains of the budget are functional bicycles and quotas.”
Al-Saffar asserted that “there are thousands of graduates for years without work and are waiting for the budget,” explaining that “the session will take place at 4 pm today, Thursday, and what is proposed in it is the Federal Court law only.
And between Al-Saffar, “There will be a meeting between the Speaker of Parliament with the Finance Committee and the heads of the blocs to discuss the budget and set a day for voting on it,” noting that “the obstacles to the budget are more political than technical and have been fully completed.”
Al-Saffar stressed that “there is a rise in oil prices, which has now reached more than $ 67, while the budget was built on a price of $ 45 a barrel, and this is a big difference and leads to filling and easing the deficit,” stressing the need to “take advantage of this difference to make changes to the provincial quotas and put some New job grades. ”