Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-16-2021
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-16-2021
3-16-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 We have a date. It’s a solid date. At the onset it will come out at a rate 1 to 1 IMO. That rate will be domestically and internationally recognized. This is the process of monetary reform – the lava flow that we call the redenomination, the revaluation and now finally the reinstatement…this phase is approaching us in the near proximal future…
3-16-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 1 to 1 … Inside of Iraq you’re going to have one dinar. What are you going to have in the the other hand? A dollar? NO! They base it on the exchange rate of the dollar. They don’t have any dollars in their country…a dinar is a dinar inside the country of Iraq. The value of that dinar is equivalent of an American dollar. Not bad. You got purchasing power. Outside of Iraq it depends on what you want to convert it into…Let me ask you this. Outside of Iraq I have a 25K note in my hand – What do I have in my other hand and I’m an American citizen? $25,000 dollars… Internationally it’s a completely different ball game…
3-16-2021 Intel Guru Footforward For those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, you know what the rate is already. For newer people, my opinion, that is not financial or investment advice, my opinion is the rate will be at least 3.50 and more likely 5.00.
3-15-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy There is a lot of talk still about the exchange rate. Will they come out and make some RI/RV announcement? It’s possible but not likely. I think if anything we’re going to see it go back up to 1190 dinar for now but only for a short period of time. I think we’re going to start seeing…a ‘dirty float’ which is a managed float – just little by little they’ll change the increments over time…
3-15-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] A lot of folks are worried about Iraq possible coming out at a 1 to 1 rate…I am told that with our contract rate that it will not affect us or our values…but there is a high probability that they will come out at 1 to 1…don’t let that put you into a panic. For those that think that can hang on to their currency and trade it in at a later date hoping for a higher rate…we will only have about 30 days in which we can exchange our larger notes…don’t wait to long or you could be stuck with wallpaper.
3-15-2021 Newshound Guru Jeff I told you to add 90 days to a Sunday after December 20th when they devalued it [the dinar]. It takes you to Sunday March 21st. As we’re approaching March 21st you can clearly see all Iraq’s news is right on par – how they’re completing the budget, adjusting the exchange rate and everything’s right at the cusp of happening exactly at the 21st. I mean it’s a no brainer…
3-15-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …There was a lot of great articles coming out of Iraq this weekend…They fully expect their new value in the 2021 budget which starts April 1st…which means they got to get busy…solid movement in the HCL agreements with Kurdistan and Iraq…this should pass…I am told…by Wednesday…
3-15-2021 Newshound Guru Jeff No one knows what the rates going to be…I feel the true final rate will be around $3.80. that’s my opinion. I want to put out a possibility…Iraq devalued their currency to get 3 zero notes out of circulation in Iraq. They could do something similar to that for you and I. They could release a sucker rate of 1 to 1…They did it for 90 days in Iraq with the devaluation – I think they’ll do this 1 to 1 sucker rate again for 90 days. You’re gonna want to pay attention…after that 90 days that’s when they would hike it…around Sunday June 20th.
3-15-2021 Newshound Guru Jeff What should you do with the one dollar sucker rate? …most people will have some quick bills they have to pay so a simple recommendation maybe just go exchange…just enough money to keep your head above water…and then once the rate goes up to a higher mark after the 90 days then you can go cash out the bulk of it. But even after 90 days the rate can still go higher than that so I don’t recommend rushing this thing. You have to remain patient with it.
3-15-2021 Intel Guru Footforward [Any news about the meeting about dinars value?] I honestly wouldn’t pay a lot of attention to those meetings. I don’t think they’re going to be very telling. Iraq at least publicly has been going around in circles for months now… What I will say for sure is there’s tons of misinformation coming out of Iraq on purpose right now. This has been the case for about the last 6 months especially.