Al-Ghazzi: Agreement on the Federal Court law is a miracle that has not been achieved for years

Al-Ghazzi: Agreement on the Federal Court law is a miracle that has not been achieved for years

03-09-2021 10:44 AM

Al-Ghazzi - Agreement on the Federal Court law is a miracle that has not been achieved for yearsToday, Tuesday, Deputy Chairman of the Parliamentary Legal Committee, Muhammad Al-Ghazi, described the agreement on the Federal Court Law as a “political miracle” that had not been achieved for years, while noting that only two paragraphs remain of it.

Al-Ghazi said in a statement to “Tigris”, “Passing the Federal Court law and agreeing to it is a political miracle that has not been achieved for 10 years . ”

He added, “The remainder of the law are two articles specific to the method of selecting the judges, the head of the court and the jurists, which are the second and third articles of the law. It has been agreed upon and will be formulated this afternoon . ”

Al-Ghazi pointed out that “the main contentious article is paragraph 12 of the nature of the decisions of the Federal Court and its content is whether it is agreed that the vote is by two-thirds of the members or an absolute majority and what is the role of the jurists .

He explained that, “a parliamentary meeting will be held at 4 pm today between the members of the parliamentary committee, the Presidency of the House of Representatives and the political blocs to formulate Article 12 and reach an understanding on it and go to pass the most controversial laws that previous sessions have been unable to pass . ”