{Al Furat News} publishes the most prominent articles and paragraphs that were included in the 2021 budget

{Al Furat News} publishes the most prominent articles and paragraphs that were included in the 2021 budget

02/28/2021 01:38:15

Al Furat News publishes the most prominent articles and paragraphs that were included in the 2021 budget{Baghdad: Al Furat News} Our agency publishes the most prominent articles and paragraphs that were included in the federal budget for the fiscal year 2021 and which it is hoped to vote on this week.
The following are the most prominent paragraphs included in the 2021 budget:
1- The allocations covered by Resolution 315, contracts and wages of the Ministry of Electricity, administrators, craftsmen, writers, guards, and volunteer service employees, and will be disbursed to those who have not received salaries as soon as the budget is approved.
2- Allocations of all lecturers, contracts, daily procedures, support staff and holders of higher degrees in ministries and departments.
3- Appropriations of graduates from doctors and health and support professions, including scientists, and their inclusion by appointment within the 68,000 job degrees with their initiation.
4- The inclusion and inclusion of dues with canceled contracts in the Defense, Interior and Popular Mobilization Forces to bring them back to service.
5- Adding the allocations and entitlements for the administrative, technical and support staff in the Ministry of Health.
6- Appointing top students and holders of higher degrees.
7-Transferring holders of bachelor’s degrees or higher to civilian staff in the security ministries.
8- Abolition of deductions and income tax on salaries of employees and retirees.
9 – Distribution of plots of land to all segments of society.
10 – Grant for journalists, artists and writers.
11 – farmers’ dues and support for the industrial sector.
12 – Increasing the number of people covered by the social care network and increasing the amounts granted to them.
The head of the Parliamentary Economic and Investment Committee, Representative Ahmed Salim Al-Kinani, announced yesterday, Saturday, that it is hoped to vote on the general budget for the current year 2021, at the end of this week, after completing the amendments and proposals on its paragraphs.
“The budget for the current year 2021 is nearing completion after the Finance Committee completed the amendment of some paragraphs and proposals, and it was sent to the government side and reviewed,” Al-Kinani said in a statement.
The head of the Parliamentary Economic and Investment Committee confirmed that “it is hoped that parliament will vote on the budget at the end of this week.”
