Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-24-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 1-24-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions1-24-2021 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “Sumaisem: America will not pump dollars into Iraq, and dealings will be in the digital currency…and Baghdad is forced to comply with the recommendations of the international monetary 27th December, 2020″ FORCED to devalue to 1460… Then think FORCE means they had to get in sync with the region. They are once they delete the zeros…imo…So there by they were forced into it, which means they have no choice but to RI…imo.

1-23-2021 Newshound Guru Jeff Iraq is moving in Kuwait’s footsteps. It’s that simple. Kuwait changed their rate at the beginning of their fiscal year. Iraq’s already told you that’s what their intention, goals and objections are too. Iraq already came out telling you in print that they are going to increase the value of their currency at the beginning of a new budget period. Iraq’s new fiscal year does not even start until April 1st…Iraq has gone as far forward as they can at this point without changing the rate…once they finish the ’21 budget it’s game over. After the ’21 budget comes the rate change.

1-23-2021 Intel Guru Footforward …I don’t think Trump has to be in office. I think it would be better if he is in office. I believe Trump and Kushner have fixed things so that the RV can happen…

1-23-2021 Newshound Guru Jeff …they actually launched the reforms on December 20th when they devalued the currency…that was a preparation step for the rate change. That’s them confirming to you they’re preparing to change the rate…it was a tool being used to reduce the 3 zero note count in country…We are in a great spot. We’re in the best position ever…I’ve been telling you that January through March was the season for the rate change. Iraq confirmed that when they implemented the reforms…

1-23-2021 Intel Guru RayRen98 US banks and call centers are “on location” this morning being told to look for “activity” between this afternoon and Sunday evening…in spite of the Treasury Secretary not being confirmed until sometime next week? TIME WILL TELL and WAIT WE SHALL…We are in an interesting place and time!

1-23-2021 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] my understanding today is that Iraq is going to be the strongest currency and the strongest financial nation in the middle east and not too long from now…
1-22-2021 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …I was told that the rates both front screen and back screen or contract rates – are going to be higher that we even thought they were – which is pretty high – so you’re not to worry about the rates don’t sweat it – they are going to be very – very good.