Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-30-2020
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-30-2020
11-30-2020 Newshound Guru Breitling …People keep forgetting – the currency [Iraqi dinar] is undervalued. They devalued the currency. That’s not a market rate. They kept printing the currency. They even said that they were going to do that. And they did that. So when they say they want to add value to the currency, I believe them because they followed through on everything… they are going to add value to their currency.
11-30-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff They are pouring articles out left and right talking about deleting the zeros, new revenues, taxation, improving the exchange rate of the Iraq dinar. They’re now telling you there’s nothing left for them to change the rate…you’re in the best position right now. Ever. They’re blatantly telling you they have nothing left and they are ready to change the rate. But you got to remember when they put a new emphasis on something it takes them 3 to 4 months to do it…
11-30-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff This is an amazing article “Representative Finance: The proposal for a “white paper” to replace the currency requires a lot of money” …now they’re talking about reviewing the exchange rate and replacing the currency…guys it doesn’t get any better than that. They’re blatantly telling you that they are ready to improve their exchange rate and delete the zeros from the currency…but again it takes them 3 to 4 months to do it.
11-29-2020 Intel Guru Austin Powers-For-PM Article: “The Iraqi government announces a positive development regarding the 2021 budget” Quote: “The seriousness of the Iraqi government in sending the draft budget bill for 2021 to the Iraqi parliament this week.” It sounds like they are seriously “On the clock”.
11-29-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff This week is when Iraq finally came forward talking about how they really need to do something with the exchange rate. They just starting this roughly since last weekend. It’s a new patter for about a week now. Article: “Parliamentary Finance issues a package of reforms that include imposing a value-added tax and reviewing the dollar exchange rate” Here they’re talking about deleting the zeros, doing something with the exchange rate and implementing taxes. Notice how this type information did not come forward until Iraq finished the borrowing law. Remember I stressed to you the borrowing law was the last step needed before they could change their rate? There you go. Now they can change the rate at any point in time. But they have to do it by the end of March…we’re in a great spot right now…
11-29-2020 Newshound Guru Breitling …You can’t worry about what you can’t control…You have a plan for if Trump is going to be in office and you have a plan for if Biden is going to be in office…it doesn’t matter who is president. The thing that disturbs me most about this stuff is the gloom and doom talk. “If this guy get’s in it’s all over.” “If THIS guy gets in it’s all over.” None of it’s true. Never has been. Never will be…
11-29-2020 Newshound Guru Breitling …So what does Iraq have to do under a Biden administration? What do they want to do? They want to add value to their currency…Trump’s plan…is more of a long term steady outlook…Short term – if Biden gets in it’s going to be very very good for us. Long term if Trump gets in then Iraq is going to be part of our market and guess what? It’s a longer road with a higher rate.
11-29-2020 Intel Guru RayRen98 US Bank News…Some banks are “ON EXCHANGE LOCATION” today…waiting for the “GO” signal! (Except Texas, more than likely) Various rates for different currencies are being communicated to us…supposedly at the banks discretion? Have your “Game On” when you go in to exchange.