Al-Fatah Alliance reveals an active movement to announce the formation of the Sunni region

Al-Fatah Alliance reveals an active movement to announce the formation of the Sunni region


Al-Fatah Alliance reveals an active movement to announce the formation of the Sunni regionThe Al-Fateh Alliance revealed the existence of a movement, which it described as effective and strong, that might lead to the announcement of the formation of the Sunni region, and pointed out that this region will be supported by the United States.

This talk is in harmony with information revealed by political and parliamentary sources about vigorous local and regional efforts to form a Sunni region in Iraq, which strengthens the US military presence and distances the popular crowd formations from the Sunni provinces and curb the missile attacks targeting US bases in the country.

The leader of the coalition, Ghazanfar Al-Battikh, said, “The formation of the Sunni region is not just media talk, but there is work on the ground by political parties and tribal figures with the support of the United States of America.”

And that “the United States of America, when it set up a large military base for it in Anbar (Ain al-Assad), based on economic foundations, it knows what is in that province in terms of gas sources, minerals and other economic power.”

“Now the ground is ready to announce the Sunni region, more than at any other time,” he added. “There is support for this project by tribal, political and popular personalities, and for this the announcement of the formation of the Sunni region will be very soon.”